5 Fruits and Vegetables Your Skin Shouldn’t Live Without

5 Fruits and Vegetables Your Skin Shouldn't Live Without

No we’re not talking about which fruits and vegetables you should eat, we’re talking about which ones you should put on your skin. The natural fibers in the fruits act as a scrubber, the oils moisten skin and the antioxidants work their magic from the outside.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits act as a mild astringent and also have a bleaching action. It kills bacteria on the skin. Use the juice as a tonic after cleansing your face. Add sliced fruits to your bath water. The peel can be put in the blender with a bit of oil and used as a facial scrub. Citrus essential oils such as orange, lime, tangerine, and grapefruit act as an energy booster. Diluted lemon juice adds brightness and shine as a hair rinse.


Avocado is nature’s miracle skin care fruit. Mash the avocado and use as a facial mask to soothe and smooth tired skin. You can also use it as a scalp treatment. Mix equal parts mashed avocado with mayonnaise, store bought is fine, and smooth onto hair. Wrap head in plastic wrap and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse then shampoo.

Olive Oil

Olives as in olive oil. Mix equal parts olive oil and salt as a body scrub after you’ve showered. Add a few drops of essential oil, almond extract or peppermint extract. Dab plain olive oil on your scalp to alleviate dryness and itchiness. Part your hair every 1/2 inch and apply the oil. Use the oil as cuticle cream right before bed on your finger nails and toenails. Dab the oil on your eyelashes.


Cucumber has cooling and astringent properties. Juice the cucumber or put it in a blender and then strain the pulp. The juice can be applied as a toner or masque. Keep leftovers in the fridge for a few days. Place a slice of cucumber over your eyes to reduce redness, puffiness and swelling. Keep cucumber slices in ice water.


Oatmeal is technically a grass seed but we’ll classify it as a vegetable. Oatmeal has soothing properties and stops itchiness. Mix with water or oil and use it as a facial scrub. Take one cup of oatmeal and simmer in one quart of water, let mixture cool, strain and add it to bath water. Place one cup of oatmeal in the blender and pulverize. Place the oatmeal in cheesecloth. Tie shut. Use as a scrubber while you shower or place in the bath tub as it’s filling with hot water.

The Author:

More spa recipes, tips and tricks in Pamper Yourself Like a Princess. Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books.

2 thoughts on “5 Fruits and Vegetables Your Skin Shouldn’t Live Without

  1. How to Make Face Masks From Fruit Avocado
    Mashed ripe avocado flesh. – Apply to the face and allowed to stand for 30 minutes – then rinse your face with warm water or rose water, using cotton can.
    Face mask for dry skin simply use the recipe above, while for other types of skin please add other components such as the following:
    Introduce to Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal Facial Cream
    Excelent of result a natural care of beauty

    1. Thank you for sharing this helpful tip on making face masks from avocado! Avocado is indeed a fantastic ingredient for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. I appreciate the suggestion to use Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal Facial Cream for different skin types as well. It’s great to know there are natural options available for taking care of our skin.

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