History and Recipes of Homemade Natural Lipstick

History and Recipes of Homemade Natural Lipstick

In today’s fast-paced world of beauty, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the multitude of lipstick options available on the market. From bold mattes to sheer glosses, it seems as though there’s a shade and finish for every occasion. However, what many of us fail to realize is that the modern-day lipstick formula we know and love is a far cry from its humble beginnings.

The concept of applying color to the lips dates back thousands of years ago to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. These early iterations of lip color were made using natural ingredients such as crushed beetles and plant extracts. In fact, the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra was known to use a mixture of crushed ants and carmine to achieve her signature red pout.

The use of lipstick as an everyday cosmetic became popularized in the late 19th century when French chemist Eugene Schueller developed the first commercially available lipstick. This formula was made using synthetic dyes and pigments, which paved the way for the lipstick formulations we know today.

However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards more natural and sustainable beauty products. Many consumers are now opting for natural lipstick formulations that use plant-based ingredients instead of synthetic ones. Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s also better for our health as natural lipsticks are free from harmful chemicals such as phthalates and parabens.

Making your own natural lipstick at home is not only fun but also incredibly easy. Here are three simple recipes you can try out:

Beetroot Lipstick


  • 2-3 tablespoons of beeswax pellets
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of beetroot powder


Melt the beeswax pellets and coconut oil in a double boiler over low heat until fully combined.

Add the beetroot powder and stir until fully blended.

Once the mixture has cooled slightly, pour it into a lipstick container and let it set.

Cocoa Butter Lipstick


2 tablespoons of beeswax pellets

1 tablespoon of cocoa butter

1 tablespoon of almond oil

10 drops of essential oil (optional)


Melt the beeswax pellets, cocoa butter, and almond oil in a double boiler over low heat until fully combined.

Add in the essential oil (if using) and stir until fully blended.

Once the mixture has cooled slightly, pour it into a lipstick container and let it set.

Alkanet Root Lipstick


2-3 tablespoons of beeswax pellets

1 tablespoon of alkanet root powder

2 tablespoons of almond oil

10 drops of essential oil (optional)


Melt the beeswax pellets, alkanet root powder, and almond oil in a double boiler over low heat until fully combined.

Add in the essential oil (if using) and stir until fully blended.

Once the mixture has cooled slightly, pour it into a lipstick container and let it set.

In conclusion, while modern-day lipstick formulas offer a wide range of options, it’s important to remember the humble origins of this beloved cosmetic. By making your own natural lipstick at home, you not only have control over the ingredients you’re using but also get to tap into the beauty practices of our earlier ancestors. So why not give it a try and switch up your lipstick game with some all-natural, sustainable options?

The Author:

Pioneerthinking.com – Ingredients for a Simple Life.

Photo. PT

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