Penis discomfort as a result of inflammation, redness, discoloration and itchy skin and other rash-like
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection affecting the areas around toes and can spread to other areas of the foot. Some forms are mild, but most can cause flaking, itching, deep painful cracks and bleeding and can produce a foul odor. T
A healthy soak for feet designed to help increase circulation, promote muscle relaxation, and soften the skin, can help make feet feel better both inside and out.
Are your feet itching and burning? Maybe you have Athlete’s Foot.
You take care of your feet by washing them regularly. You change your smelly socks at least once a day. Your shoes are well kept. But in spite of all this, your feet stink.
There are common causes why we have foot blister at some point during a sport event or even just a long walk at the park.
This article tells some of the home remedies you can use when pregnant to prevent the swelling of feet.
Poor foot circulation is a problem faced by a growing number of people especially the
If you’ve got an itch on your foot that you can’t help scratching, then you
Letting yourself reach the point where you are burnt out, worn down and used up
Learn to balance your chakras and improve your overall health and wellness. Find out which chakra governs what and how to tell if it’s blocked.
Fruits, the gold mine of vitamins, minerals and fiber are ideal to consume at least 4-5 servings in a day.
Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection, specifically by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Some scientists believe they are also caused by stress.
Learning and understanding the types of burns and their treatment methods can potentially save your own life or the life of someone else.
A successful and long-term weight management plan involves moderate eating and regular exercise. Be sensible. It took you a while to put on the weight, it will also take time for the weight to come off.