Category: Wellness

Tips and Ideas for Wellness in Your Life

How to Overcome Winter Fatigue

In this article, you will learn about practical tips to overcome winter fatigue and boost your energy levels. The author shares insights on the causes of winter fatigue, the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and mindset to combat it.


You Can Stay Healthy This Winter

Winter gets a bad rap. It’s called the flu season, the cold season, and the season when contagious diseases abound. Yet according to Maharishi Ayurveda, winter doesn’t have to be this way.


Renaissance of Simplicity

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of reducing our modern-day dependence on technology by adopting pioneer-style methods from yesteryears. Discover the bliss of embracing simplicity as we explore simple yet effective ways to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature and traditional practices.