A whole new range of plants from across the world can now be successfully grown indoors. The plants I have selected here are all easy to grow and require just basic care.
To pot up Rosemary for wintering indoors, select a clay pot one to two inches larger than the root ball. Use regular indoor potting soil. The addition of a little sand will be helpful; Rosemary prefers sandy soil
You can enjoy fresh and very flavorful herbs for cooking, teas and medicinal use all year round if you choose to grow indoor herb gardens. Of course, when the warmer climates finally arrives, you can easily transfer them to your outdoor area.
Indoor plants not only serve decorative purposes, they are also useful in cleaning up your room environment. Following is a short synopsis of which indoor plants are hot this season.
One of the blessings of sprouts is that all you need is one square foot of space to enjoy a wide variety of healthy, fresh-grown veggies, grown in less than a week.
Indoor gardening for kids is actually much easier to handle than an outside garden. An indoor garden can be maintained in one area and you don’t have to worry about taking your children out in the rain to pull weeds.
Indoor plants require fertilizers, nourishment and care just as we require food, drinks and nutrition. But there are certain rules to follow while fertilizing indoor plants which I am going to recount in this article.
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