3 Reasons Why You Need Bee Pollen to be Refrigerated

Bee Pollen Refrigerate! You Bet You Need To!
When people think of refrigerated bee pollen, they only think about when a consumer buys bee pollen and places the supplement in the refrigerator.
This is only one part of the process of bee pollen supplements that you should worry about. You should also be concerned of where in the manufacturing process your pollen has been refrigerated.
Bee pollen is an organic natural product that needs to be refrigerated. Refrigerated bee pollen lasts longer, and is more potent.
If you leave your bee pollen granules outside in regular room temperature, they will slowly start to ferment (rot). There are other reasons why you should refrigerate your bee pollen.
Reason #1 : Bee Pollen Should Be “Refrigerated” or Freeze Dried at The Point of Collection
In order for you to get the best supplement possible, you should inquire with the manufacturer if they freeze-dry their pollen at the point of harvest. This means that when the beekeeper harvests the pollen he/she should have freeze-dried it. Freeze-Drying the pollen ensures that it will be fresh for processing by the manufacturer.
This is important because some companies out there buy pollen that has not be frozen-dry and even worse heat-dried, where the pollen is subjected to heat, and loses most of its nutrients.
Some companies heat-dry their pollen because it makes the pollen last longer for processing. The less water content in the pollen makes it last longer, however the negative effect is a subpar pollen with less nutrients.
Reason #2: Bee Pollen that is “Not Refrigerated” Could be From Polluted Suppliers
Some bee pollen products in the United States are not sourced in the country. What this means is that the pollen is sourced and imported from other countries.
Some of these countries have their pollen baked and heat-dried to keep them from going bad. What some companies do in the United States is they take high quality bee pollen and mix it in with this extra “filler” bee pollen to make your supplement.
These companies do not refrigerate their pollen. What you get is a pollen that is a mixed bag of good and bad pollen, but you’ll never know until you try their pollen and not get any results.
Reason#3: You should Refrigerate any Fresh Bee Pollen Granules You Buy
If you decide to buy bee pollen granules fresh from a farmer’s market or your local bee hive, then you should take extra care and make sure that you refrigerate your bee pollen.
Make sure that the jar of bee pollen or bag is tightly sealed. You do not need to put it in the freezer, but try to have it in its own location in your fridge.
Make sure to double bag or jar it. The nutrients of the granules can sometime seep out of the bag and effect your other foods and give your fridge a dirt like smell.
Overall, it’s important to know that refrigerated bee pollen is important because it prolongs the shelf life of bee pollen, making it so that you don’t waste your money and health on subpar products.
Bee Pollen That is Freeze-Dried and High Quality
After extensive research, I’ve found a company that produces a high quality bee pollen supplement. This company also freeze-dries their pollen at the source, so that it is fresh when they process it. Not only that, but they also add in helpful digestive enzymes to help you absorb all the nutrients in the bee pollen. This company is based in New Zealand.
The Author:
Lang runs several health related websites and is advocate of healthy nutritional supplements. Discover the wonderful and natural world of Bee Pollen Supplements. http://bee-pollen-diet-pills.com
Hey you mentioned a new zealand company that freeze dries the pollen at its source. what is the name of the company please? Thanks
The company I just purchased from is kept in my local grocers fridge- and I’ve always read great things about this company- however I also purchased royal jelly, then found out it was sourced from China. Even though it doesn’t state anywhere on the site the collect any bee products from China. (they do state, US, Canada, Brazil and New Zealand) but they omit China. As a very popular company in the superfood bee product market, I feel a bit cheated. Any advice to find a truly superior organic (low pollution) bee products
Please identify the company based in New Zealand that freeze dries its bee pollen at the source and adds digestive enzymes.
thanks for the eye opening article
But this New Zealand company only appears to sell the pollen in capsules. Wouldn’t you rather have the pollen to eat in granules? I prefer that as it is delicious and I don’t want to put capsules in my system when not necessary.