A Dirt-Simple Method to Master The Perfect Steak

Man has been cooking meat ever since he harnessed Fire. Most of the time he’s gotten it wrong. While the technique I’m going to teach you can also be misapplied to large root vegetables, you’ll do no favors to any potatoes, carrots, rutabagas or Brussels Sprouts that have been rudely subjected to this brutal treatment.
You’ll need a few essentials:
- A 2 inch thick (or thicker if you please) boneless Ribeye steak
- 3 tablespoons Avocado oil
- Garlic salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Tongs
- A Dutch oven large enough in which to lay that steak flat
- Paper towels
- Aluminum foil
- A remote instant reading thermometer, like a ThermoWorks® DOT® remote reading thermometer.
- An oven (of course, Grasshopper)
Let’s begin.
Wash and scrub that steak under cool water to remove any excess fat and small bone chips left from cutting. Using tongs, flop that piece of meat into a suitable foil lined oven-safe pan. Blot off any water puddles, and then dust the steak on all sides with the garlic salt and pepper.
Insert the thermometer’s probe from the side into the center of the steak.
Place that panned steak in an oven preheated to 300°F.
Leave that steak alone until the thermometer reports 110°F.
Preheat the oil in a Dutch oven until just below smoking.
Remove the steak to a paper towel-lined serving plate. Remove the thermometer’s probe and thoroughly dry the steak, rubbing it fiercely to remove any surface moisture.
Again, using tongs, flop that steak into the preheated Dutch oven. Let it sizzle undisturbed for 3 minutes. Then flip the steak over and let it sizzle another 3 minutes.
Remove your masterpiece to a serving plate, cover with foil and let that browned beauty rest for 5-10 minutes.
Uncover and serve the most delicious hunk of meat this side of Heaven!
Let’s say that you don’t want to part with what it’ll cost for a thick piece of flavorful, juicy, succulent Ribeye. You’d rather try this method with something less exotic. Like chuck steak! But all the chuck steaks you can find are ‘way too thin.
Here’s a suggestion: buy a chuck roast! Then slab that puppy as you desire.
But, Whoah, Big Fella! Chuck steaks are notorious for being tough, gristly, and in general a bear to cook right. Not to worry! We’ve got you covered!
Chuck steaks are nicely flavorful, when done right. Here’s how to do it right.
Wash that slab of marbled chuck steak, dry it, and place it on a cutting board. Give it a good sprinkle of garlic salt and pepper. Then, using a multiple blade tenderizing tool, punch holes all over that beast. When you’re done, rub some more salt and pepper into the cuts. Turn the steak over and repeat the coat-and-punch operation.
Then proceed to cook that bad boy just as if it were a Ribeye!
Another thing:
I stress using tongs instead of a fork or any other pointy instruments to handle that steak. That’s because as the steak cooks, it develops a film on its surface that seals in the juices. Puncturing that film with a fork lets those tenderizing liquids drain out, leaving a slab of shoe leather behind. When you finally sear that baby in the Dutch oven, the juices are locked into the meat!
The Author:
Norm Huffnagle
Photo. Divily