Clear Up Your Allergies and Skin Complaints with Almond Milk!

Almonds are grown in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Israel and Turkey, and is hailed the world over as a ‘super’ nut. It can help men with impotency problems, diabetes sufferers, anemia, heart disorders, respiratory problems and constipation.
The health benefits of almonds don’t stop there! They are a great source of calcium, iron, vitamin E, phosphorus (for when you want to glow in the dark!) and magnesium. It’s also rich in niacin, copper, selenium and zinc.
More of The Health Benefits of Almonds
There are two types of almonds; bitter or sweet, and both are edible but the bitter ones are used to make almond oil for cooking. The health benefits of almonds are so great, that they are fast becoming THE nut to have in the house at all times. Crush them over salads, make almond milk or simply chomp on them raw.
It’s best to eat almonds on an empty stomach to get the most of the nutrients absorbed into your body. For some, the squeakiness of almonds can be a little off-putting, but soaking them overnight in water can help loosen them up a little.
The Health Benefits of Almonds
Higher Intellectual Levels
Help develop your brain by eating almonds. The health benefits of almonds have shown that mothers feeding their children a few every day led to higher intellectual levels from them and are considered essential for children.
Regulate Cholesterol
Frequent consumption of almonds will regulate cholesterol as they have a high density of HDL and reduce LDL cholesterol. By helping to lower cholesterol, you can lose weight more effectively.
Reduce Fatty Plaque in The Arteries
It’s good for your heart! Vitamin E is an antioxidant and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Magnesium helps against heart attacks and they reduce the C reactive protein levels which can cause inflamed arteries. Almonds are also full of folic acid, which helps reduce fatty
plaque in the arteries.
Superb For The Skin
Almond milk is superb for the skin as it can help the complexion and texture of the skin.
Regulates Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is regulated by the levels of potassium in the almond. They are low in sodium (salt) which also regulates blood pressure.
Colon Cancer Risks are Reduced
Colon cancer risks are reduced as food can move more easily through the colon.
Diabetes Risks are Lessened
Diabetes risks are lessened as almonds help reduce the rise of insulin and sugar in the blood stream.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is good for pregnant women and stops defects in newborn babies.
Help You Lose Weight
Mono-unsaturated fats in unsweetened almond milk can help you lose weight.
Constipation is Prevented
Constipation is prevented due to the amount of fibre in almonds.
Boost Energy Levels
Riboflavin, copper and manganese are present which boost energy levels.
Avoid Alzheimer’s
The health benefits of almonds are also said to avoid Alzheimer’s, which can also be seen in the heath benefits of almond milk on our site.
The Author:
Sophie is the writer for almond milk benefits site and produces fascinating work on the health benefits of all food.
Photo. Lisa Redfern