A Detailed Checklist for a Clean Bathroom

A bathroom, although perhaps small compared to other rooms in the house, has quite a few different surfaces that need specialized care. In addition, because of the germs present, you have to be certain to disinfect surfaces. It is most efficient if you work from the top to the bottom, and move around the room in one direction. To ensure that you don’t miss cleaning anything in your bathroom, a checklist can be helpful. The following checklist can be used in two ways. In its entirety, it is a detailed checklist that lists specific tasks that must be done. Once the scope of these tasks becomes routine, however, then you may only need to use the subject headings as your checklist.
___Rubber Gloves
___Toilet Bowl Cleaner
___Garbage cans
___Detergent with disinfectant properties
___Disposable rags
___Remove all towels, washcloths, rugs
___Empty Trash Can
Ceiling, Walls and Shelves
___remove spider webs from ceiling
___begin in one corner of the ceiling
___dust, from top of wall to floor
___if right-handed, move clockwise
___if left-handed, move counter-clockwise
___Dust towel bars
___Dust top of door
___Dust door frame
___Dust Door
___Disinfect doorknob
___Disinfect light switches
___Dust shelves, doors, cabinets
___Dust any decorations or candles
___Dust Top of Medicine Cabinet
___Clean all mirrors
___Remove dried debris from walls or splash guards
Bathtub/Shower Enclosure
___Scrub and polish shower-head
___Wipe shower curtain rod and hooks
___Begin at top, and work your way down the walls
___Scrub tiles
___Scrub grout
___Scrub bath faucet
___Scrub bath spigot
___Rinse walls
___Scrub bath tub
___Wipe and disinfect shower curtain
___Clean drain traps
___Rinse bathtub
___Remove all bottles, jars, etc from surface
___Dust surfaces
___Wipe or Scrub Counter Top
___Scrub sink basin
___Polish faucet and spigot
___Scrub and Polish Drain
___Rinse Sink
___Dry counter top
___Wipe down bottles, jars, etc, and reposition them
___Wipe areas under sink – pedestal or outer doors
___ Clean top and sides of toilet tank
___ Scrub toilet seat with Disinfectant.
___ Scrub Interior of toilet bowl. Use disinfectant.
___ Wipe and disinfect top of toilet bowl.
___ Disinfect area where lid and seat are hinged
___ Wipe outside of toilet bowl, down to base
___ Wipe around to backside of toilet base
___ Rinse bowl of toilet by flushing
___ Use dry rag or mop to remove dust and hairballs
___ Pay attention to corners, and behind the door
___ Wash floor with detergent and disinfectant
___ Scrub grout
___ Wait for floor to dry before replacing rugs
Trash can
___Empty once more if needed
___Disinfect interior surface
___Disinfect exterior surface
___Insert a clean bag
Replacing Rugs and Towels
___At minimum, vacuum rugs
For the following two steps, use water that is as hot as the fabric can tolerate.
___It is preferable to wash rugs in washing machine
___Wash towels and washcloths
___Replace rugs on dry floor
___Replace toilet lid covers and tank covers on dry toilet
___Hang new towels on towel rack
___Position hand towels
___If needed, insert a fresh roll of toilet paper
The Author:
Penelope Pettikrew is known as the Speed Cleaning Queen. She has spent over 25 years optimizing her cleaning methods so that she could spend less time cleaning and more time with her daughter and husband. In her latest book, “Speed Cleaning Secrets Revealed,” she shares her techniques for getting the maximum amount of cleaning done in a minimum amount of time.
Drop two Alka-Seltzer tablets into the toilet bowl and let the bubbles do their magic. Toss used towels in a pile outside the door; stash odds and ends (brushes, hair dryer) in drawers or a pretty basket. Get rid of melty soap bars and lingering chips.
Home Cleaning Tip: A great way to speed up cleaning the toilet is with a Hand Held Bidet Sprayer. Primarily used for superior hygiene it can also be used to spray a powerful blast of water under the rim and all around the bowl both after using the toilet and when cleaning it. It will also save you a lot of money on toilet paper! See bathroomsprayers.com.