Creating Your Own Baby Theme Gift Basket

Creating your own baby theme gift baskets is really easy and fun. You can save money by making them yourself instead of buying them from a trendy gift store. You can make them for personal use to give as gifts or start a home based gift basket business.
You only need a few simple supplies to get started.
- Basket
- Basket Filler (shreds)
- Basket Clear Cellophane Bag or Basket Wrap
- Ribbon (to tie off the bag)
- Ribbon (to make a bow)
- Gift Tag
- Product Fillers
- Scissors
- *optional* disposable cameras to pack in the baskets.
Now its time to pick a theme and go out and buy some product fillers for your gift basket. Here are some theme ideas to get your creative process started.
1. Baby Bath Care Basket:
rubber ducky, bath toys, baby wash cloths, baby bath towels, baby body wash, baby bath shampoo, baby powder, brush and comb.
2. Baby Diapering Basket:
newborn sized disposable diapers or cloth diapers, diaper pins, rubber pants, diaper rash cream, clothing diaper changing pads, disposable diaper changing pads, diaper wipes, toy and dirty diaper disposable bags.
3. Baby Feeding Basket:
disposable and cloth baby bibs, feeding spoons, wash cloths, hand wipes, sipper cups, plastic feeding dishes (cup, bowl and plate), box of baby cereal, jars of baby food, teething ring and a toy.
4. Baby Nursing Feeding Basket:
baby bottles, bottle nipples, bottle liners, bottle cleaning brush, bottle sterilizer, burp pads, baby bibs, wash cloths, hand wipes, pacifier, teething rings and a toy.
5. Baby Toy Basket:
baby rattles, baby teething rings, rubber ducky, plastic soft-cover baby books, particle board baby books, lullaby music cd and a teddy bear.
6. Baby Basics Basket:
3 baby wash cloths, 3 baby bath towels, 3 baby bibs, 3 baby onesies, 3 pair baby bootie socks, 1 baby hat, 2 baby sleepers, 1 pacifier, 1 toy rattle and a teddy bear.
7. Baby First Aid Basket:
diaper rash cream, antibiotic ointment, band aids, ear thermometer, rectal or oral thermometer, baby teething relief gel, infant fever reducer medication, medicine spoon, medicine dropper, tweezers and a teddy bear or other toy.
8. Bedtime Baby Basket:
1 baby blanket, 2 soft cover baby books, 2 hardcover baby books, night light, lullaby music cd, 2 baby sleepers or night sacks, crib sheets and a teddy bear.
9. Grandma’s Theme Baby Basket:
All items in this basket should have something to do with grandma and you can find a lot of preprinted grandma and nana theme items) bibs, sleepers, onesies, books, toy and a teddy bear.
*note* extra special idea: look for one of those going to grandma’s house theme totes and pack your items into one of those instead of using a basket.
10. Baby Travel Basket:
(all items are small and can fit into a diaper bag, travel sizes work best)
diaper wipes, diaper rash cream, diaper changing pads, shampoo, baby lotion, baby bath body wash, baby powder, comb, hair brush, hats, booties, blankets, hand wipes, sipper cup, baby bottle, travel-style baby bottle warmer, disposable dirty diaper bags and a teddy bear or toy.
You can find a lot of the smaller items to fill your baskets at the local discount dollar store to save money. I have also found basket filler shreds and basket bag wraps there too.
The Author:
Shelly Hill has been working from home since 1989 in Direct Sales. You can visit Shelly online at
Source: Ab