Delicious Fruity Smoothies with Oranges!

Healthy fruity smoothies!
I want to share my two favorite tasty and fruity smoothies with you. Fruit not only tastes good, it is good for your health too. Fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, fiber and other compounds. They protect you against diseases as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. The same goes for berries, they too are healthy and tasty and are great to use in smoothies. For maximum health benefits, include a wide variety of fruits and berries in your daily diet together with vegetables. I prefer to eat fruit whole or make tasty and fruity smoothies. I make green and healthy juices from some of my vegetables. Smoothies and juices are natures own healthy fastfood.
“If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” ~Elbert Hubbard
A fruity smoothie is a whole meal.
Unlike juice, fruity smoothies contain the fiber of the fruits as well as the juice. A smoothie is like a whole meal. The fruits and berries in these two tasty, colorful and fruity smoothies are all super foods and ought to be included in your daily health plan.
1. Orange, banana and kiwi dream!
- 2 oranges with the peel on
- 2 Kiwi’s
- ½ medium size banana
- I teaspoon honey to sweeten, if you feel you need it. Your body does not need extra sugar. I recommend using organic Stevia as that is the only natural sweetener that is good for your body.
How do I make this fruity smoothie?
Juice the oranges and pour into the blender. If you use organic oranges you can use them with the peel on. You can also use a rasp to shave off the orange peel and the pith, and then add it to your smoothie. The peel and the pith of oranges contains lots of nutrients so save the leftovers for use in cakes or cookies.
Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until it is smooth – around one minute. Some prefer to add crushed ice but it is better for your body if it’s not too cold.
2. Orange, blueberry and pineapple dream!
- Pineapple – 1 slice of a medium pineapple
- 1 large or two small oranges
- 1 handful of fresh blueberries (use frozen if you don’t have fresh).
- Some prefer it cold, then you may add a handful of crushed ice, I don’t recommend ice – see above.
How do I make this fruity smoothie?
Juice the orange as explained above. Juice the pineapple. Mix the juice with the blueberries and blend it.
Fruity smoothies with organic ingredients.
I also highly recommend that you use organic fruit and vegetables as they have a higher amount of vitamins and minerals than non-organic products. And they are NOT routinely sprayed with a broad selection of insecticides, anti fungals, antibiotics, pesticides and dozens of other chemicals. All this have a big impact on our nature too and we should pay more attention to protect our earth; if not our earth won’t be able to afford us for a very long time.
Making fruity smoothies together with your kids gives them healthy habits.
Tasty and fruity smoothies are simply liquid engineering for body and mind. They are not only healthy and tasty, fruity smoothies are a great way to get some necessary nutrients in your kids too. Let them help you make smoothies with fruit and berries, it’s a great way to teach them about all the different sorts of fruit and berries, hopefully they will take this healthy habit with them in their life.
Smoothies are also great for your skin as they helps keep it clear, elastic and soft. Choose, mix and and pick from lots of different fruit and berries. You can make different fruity smoothies every day of the month if you feel llike it.
If you have a favorite fruity smoothie recipe please feel free to go to my website and share it with me and my readers.
“Be Yourself and be happy, never stop dreaming!”
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The Author:
Mona Kristin Jensen
Photo. Rifat Islam