Top 10 Environmental Benefits of a Natural Lawn

Faced with a brown lawn during summer dry spells and winter, when lawns naturally go dormant, some homeowners have made the switch to synthetic turf. However, before considering this expense, take into account the many benefits that a natural green space provides:
10. Thick lawns with deeper roots absorb water, reducing water run-off.
9. Lawns hold the soil particles to help prevent soil from water and wind erosion.
8. Grass acts as an air purifier by trapping and removing pollutants from the air that are then broken down by the root system, especially important in urban areas.
7. Healthy lawns, trees and shrubs can cool the temperature around a home by up to 8°C.
6. Lawns produce an amazing amount of oxygen. A 50 by 50 foot lawn releases enough oxygen for a family of four every day.
5. A thick healthy green lawn provides a soft outdoor space for people to rest, read or picnic.
4. All grasses have the ability to go dormant when water intake is reduced, like during the driest parts of the summer, and while the ground is frozen throughout the winter. They bounce back healthy and green when the rains return.
3. Healthy lawns are one of the safest surfaces for children to play on or for baby’s first steps.
2. A healthy lawn has the same cooling power as three or four air conditioning units, without the energy costs.
1. Perhaps the number one reason not to replace your natural lawn with synthetic is that on hot days, your lawn will be up to 39°C cooler than dry, synthetic turf.
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