Exfoliate Your Hands & Feet with Oatmeal

Exfoliate Your Hands & Feet with Oatmeal

A Tribute to a Working Woman’s Hands and Feet

Women of this generation have their hands full – literally.  Today, we’re busy climbing the corporate ladder, running a business, traveling for a cause, saving the world! It’s amazing how much stuff we juggle and to some this is admirable, but the truth is, many of us are just beat.

Nowadays, it’s a luxury to be able relax, breathe, and be pampered. And special pampering is what the busy working woman’s hands and feet need!

A working woman’s hands are the most used and abused part of her body. From the time we wake up in the morning until the end of our day, we use our hands to do everything – preparing breakfast, washing the dishes, carrying stuff around, driving the car, typing, preparing coffee. Oh the harshness that our hands are exposed to! And what about our feet? Wearing high heels to work everyday can take a toll on the heels and soles of our feet, and affect our entire body.

It will not, therefore, come as a surprise that our hands and feet are prone to look worn out, tired, and rough.

Pampering for both the hands and the feet should be a part of a working woman’s routine. A weekly exfoliation should be on top of our pampering list, and today, we’ve got an amazing hand and foot exfoliator for you -featuring oatmeal!

Oatmeal for The Skin

Here’s the thing about oatmeal: its grainy little flakes perform super skin exfoliation! Oatmeal removes dead cells and can even get rid of irritation and redness. After a good oatmeal scrub, your skin will be left soft and glowing! Today’s recipe combines salt with baking soda with oatmeal to make an amazing exfoliating scrub that’s perfect for dry, rough, tired hands and feet!

A good way to start the hand and foot exfoliation activity is to soak your hands and feet in warm soapy water for around 10 minutes to soften it, then start scrubbing. Another option is to apply your exfoliating scrub is right after taking a shower, when your skin is still soft. This DIY oatmeal hand and foot exfoliator is great for weekly use! Enjoy!

Oatmeal Hand & Foot Exfoliating Scrub


  • 2 tsp. oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. sea salt
  • 1 tsp. baking soda


1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.

2. Add 3-5 tbsp. of water to make a paste.

3. Apply the scrub to your hands or feet, rubbing it gently for a minute or two

4. Rinse and pat dry.

>>Physical Beauty – Care of The Hands

The Author:

Green Blossoms

Photo. Pioneerthinking.com

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