How to Grind Your Own Hamburger at Home

Have you been thinking about making your own hamburger at home but are not sure exactly where to start or how to do it at all? You’ll be happy to know that the process is pretty simple and can be done by anyone who wishes to make their own hamburger at home. Here are some easy steps for grinding and preparing your own hamburger at home.
First, before you get started you’ll need to make sure that you’ve got the right equipment. The meat grinder is the essential piece of equipment in the whole process because we use it to grind the bulk meat down into small shreds that can be packed together easily. Meat grinders can be purchased at appliance stores, as well as online. If you’re looking to process of lot of meat in your home, then you may want to look into the commercial meat grinders which are a little more powerful and are able to process more meat more quickly. Otherwise, if your only going to be doing this on occasion, then a non commercial meat grinder will do the job just fine.
Second, you’ll want to prepare the meat that you are going to be grinding into burger. Remove all fat, silver skin, and anything else that you don’t want going into your end product. This is your opportunity to really decide the quality of burger that you’re going to have. The cleanest burger with no fat or other excess trimmings is preferable because it will be more healthy for you.
Next, cut the raw meat up into 1 inch chunks so that it may be fed through the meat grinder easily. This will make the grinding process go much more smoothly. Be sure that your burger attachment is installed on the meat grinder.
Once you’ve sent all of the burger through the meat grinder, you’ll then want to send it through a second time to make sure that you’ve got everything ground up just right. This will eliminate any over sized chunks that may have made it through the first time.
When you’re finished with the meat grinder, simply pack up the burger that you have created into sealed packs of about a pound or so, and freeze them for later use. You can adjust the size of the individual packs to your liking.
When all is said and done, you’ll have your own supply of homemade burger and will be able to enjoy the work that you did on your own.
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Most effective post. I’m trying to make hamburger at home, but I had no idea. I found this article at the right time. Thank you very much.