Amazing Weight Loss and Health Benefits of Cranberries

The tart scent that melts 18 pounds a month. Subjects in one study who simply sniffed a pungent fruit aroma when cravings struck lost up to 18 pounds a month. When a yearning to eat is brought on by stress rather than real hunger, the scent of cranberries can displace the desire by stimulating the part of the hypothalamus that controls satiety, explains study author Alan Hirsch, M.D.
Pound-Paring Lip Gloss:
Mix 1 Tbs. olive oil, 10 fresh cranberries and 1 tsp. each honey and petroleum jelly. Microwave until bubbling (1-2 minutes). Mash well. Cool, then strain to remove skins. Chill uncovered until firm. Store at room temperature.
The Nutrient Combo That Outsmarts The Sniffles
Cold-weather bugs don’t stand a chance against the double-whammy defense created by the vitamin C and polyphenols (antioxidants) in cranberries. Polyphenols inactivate damage-causing free radicals before they harm healthy cells, and vitamin C aids in production of white blood cells, which fight off infection, says nutrition expert Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Hale and Hearty Cranberry Butter
With electric mixer, blend 1/2 lb. unsalted butter and 1/4 cup honey on high 1 minute. Add 1/4 cup chopped cranberries, 2 tsp. orange zest and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Whip until blended. Chill.
The Fruit Acid That Restores Skin’s Radiance
Winter winds can leave skin looking dull, but search no further than your refrigerator to replenish your natural glow. Cranberries contain ellagic acid, a fruit acid that dissolves toxins, dirt and germs, clearing pores and allowing more oxygen to be absorbed, explains natural skin-care expert Jillian Alexander, author of The Spa Gardens (JAG Productions). The result: toned and revitalized skin.
Light-Up-Your-Face Scrub
Puree 1/2 cup cranberries and 1 sliced tangerine. In bowl, combine fruit, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1 cup raw sugar and 1/2 cup raw honey. Stir until blended. Cleanse face with scrub. Rinse with tepid water. Store in fridge for up to one week.
The Color That Produces Nonstop Energy
Just a glance at bright red provides the stamina you need. Red signals the body to secrete adrenaline, a hormone that energizes by directing more blood and oxygen to the muscles and brain, explains clinical nutritionist Susan Lark, M.D. In fact, one study found that red light increased electrical activity in subjects’ muscles by almost 6 percent.
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Foods to Lose Weight – Learn what are the best foods to lose weight effectively and effortlessly. Includes the Best Popular Safe & Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans with Meal Plans to get you started.