How to Create a Purifying Bath

The practice of purifying baths is thousands of years old. We don’t know when this practice began, but cultures and religions around the world still use purifying baths. It isn’t necessary to travel to some exotic location or to be dunked in the local river or baptistery. You can make your own purifying bath right at home.
The first thing is to thoroughly clean the bath area. If there is a toilet in the same room, close the lid after cleaning it. Clean the water handles of the tub too. Dry brush your skin in another room to remove any dead skin cells and to energize your skin. Always brush toward the heart. Most discount stores sell easy-to-use exfoliating gloves for just a few dollars or you can use a stiff bristle brush. Don’t forget to brush through your aura too.
If you want to light candles and incense pick out colors and scents that will add power to your intentions. Then while the bath is filling, focus on the intention you have set for your purifying bath. Immerse yourself and visualize the water purifying each part of your body, your organs, your cells and your energy fields.
There are Several Types of Purifying Baths:
Baking Soda
Baking Soda is a rinsing agent and it neutralizes smells. Use baking soda when you are depressed or your spirit is lagging. It is also good for a general positive state of health.
Herbal Baths
Herbal Baths can be used for detoxification and relaxation. Chamomile added to the bath is relaxing. There are a number of herbal combinations that can be created or purchased that will detoxify not only your skin, but your internal organs too. Fresh herbs are the best, but dried will work. If you don’t want your drain to clog and to have a big mess to clean, tie them into a cheesecloth bag or place them into a tea ball.
Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt is a standard for sore muscles for a reason. It is deeply cleansing and purifying. Use about 1/2 cup in your purifying bath.
Essential Oils and Flower Essences
Essential oils and flower essences are the concentrated spirit of plants. A few drops into your bathwater will balance and purify your energy fields and your body. If you use essential oils take extra precaution when leaving the tub, they can leave a slick film on the bottom of the tub.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar won’t leave you smelling like roses, but it will pull out toxins, dense energy and even calcification from your muscles. Use two cups to a bath.
Flower Petals
Flower Petals not only look beautiful and sooth the spirit through beauty and smell, they add essential elements to the purification process. Using only the petals, sprinkle them on the water and focus on their beauty and aroma. Rub them over your skin. Once reserved for royalty, the ease of obtaining fresh cut flowers has made this spiritual practice available to everyone. Place a screen over the drain before releasing the water to catch the petals and keep them out of the plumbing.
Sea Salt
Sea Salt deionizes any dense energies you may be carrying and restores balance to the energy system. It will help remove any cords or parasitic energy from your auric fields.
The Author:
A 5th generation Psychic/Medium LILLIE RUBY travels the world as an Intuitive and Spiritual Catalyst. Her training in Education, Social Work, Corporate Training, Massage Therapy, Vibrational Therapy, Energetic Therapy and Reiki has created a holistic career style that assists her clients multi-dimentionally.