Male Menopause and Depression

Men are considered tough. At a young age they were taught how to wear masks. Emotions, especially feelings, which denotes weakness does not have any room in a man’s life. Men in effect tend to deny what they truly feel. Studies show that men are more susceptible to depression since negative emotions are suppressed.
Depression is an emotional disorder. An individual who is said to be depressed begins to experience prolonged sadness, time and again anxiety, inability to concentrate, unexplainable anger and low self-esteem.
The occurrence of depression varies. Some people experience it as a form of reaction to uneventful situations in their lives. Others feel depressed as a response to excessive smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and taking drugs. Depression can also be inevitable when an individual undergoes chemical and hormonal changes in the body.
Male menopause or known as andropause to some, is a condition in which a man undergo changes – be it may be physical, emotional, or to some extent spiritual. If a male individual reacts negatively towards andropause, then he is prone to experience depression.
Boys don’t cry, is a cliche. It is high time that men do what is necessary to fight depression caused by male menopause phenomenon.
Acknowledgement is a key to acceptance. Male individuals should acknowledge that they too like their female counterpart also experience menopause.
Education then leads to better understanding. After accepting the fact that you have male menopause then it is best to educate yourself with the said condition. Learn what the signs and symptoms are, then the diagnosis and treatments. It is also best if you undertake research for facts and issues concerning andropause. The Internet is a good venue to learn more about male menopause and depression. There are also online organizations which you can turn to to help you with your dilemma.
Better understanding is a bridge for you to project a positive attitude. Negative emotions block your sensibility for you to have better comprehension of what is happening in your body. Depression usually roots to suppress negative emotions. It is not asked from you to portray a happy face yet you are miserable deep inside. What is being asked from you is that you have to learn how to deal with the situation. Make no room for self-pity for it will only worsen the situation.
Do something about it. After you have taken the necessary steps then move forward to getting help. Primarily, get help from your significant others. This is the time when their unconditional support and love is needed. Explain to them what you are going through. Let them know what specific help you need, if there are.
You can seek assistance from a physician who has expertise in andropause and depression. He can point out the changes that might happen to you and further prescribe you on what you should do.
Support groups may also be helpful. If there are support groups in your community, then it is best to join them so that you will feel that you are not alone in your battle.
No man should allow depression to rule his life. Male menopause is never a reason for you to wallow in depression. After all, look at the brighter side of things, andropause welcomes you to a new phase in your life a phase where you can put down your mask and reveal your true self.
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