How to Make a Great Recycled Message Board or Chalk Board

Twice a year in my community, they have a “large garbage” pick up day. That is my favorite day! I drag my family along, and we drive up and down the streets looking for buried treasure!
I found this great large white frame on top of a pile of appliances, I took it home and cleaned it up. It was solid wood, there was no picture or mirror, just the frame. My husband wanted to know.. what was I going to do with it?.. He visioned it ending up in his garage!
I cleaned it up, painted it white, and then I purchased a cheap piece of hardboard from my local lumber store, and it just happened to fit the frame, but they will cut it for you for a small fee if you can’t cut it yourself. My frame was 2.5 x 4 feet.
I inserted it into my frame, and I then glued a piece of flat trim I had kicking around the house (I am a pack rat!) about 1/4 of the way down to give the appearance of a separate section. I painted the largestĀ section with blackboard paint (Its probably best to do this before inserting it into the frame) I used 3 coats and make sure its good and dry, I then created a painting in the top section. My passion is painting, but if you don’t like to paint, you could frame a cross stitch in there, or decoupage photo copies of pictures, family vacations, or you could rubber stamp a design… your imagination is your limit.
I hung this in my kitchen and its a great way to keep in touch with your growing kids!, they can just quick scribble in chalk on the board where they will be or phone numbers etc. If you don’t like the idea of a chalk board, then you could get a roll of cork from the hardware store or cork tiles and glue them to the hardwood and use pins for messages.
This was a great way to use a good wooden frame that just needed some TLC, that would have otherwise ended up in the dump. Recycling is good for the earth, its good for your creative soul, and its good for a craft business as every piece is unique. Also watch out for cupboard doors, they can make great pieces of art, as there tends to be trim on them that makes them look framed, you can use crackle paint to make it look even older, or old jewelry boxes, cutlery boxes, stools, its amazing what you can find out there. That saying “one persons trash is another persons treasure” is so true!
The Author:
Diane Palmer, who has over 15 years in the crafts business.
Photo. Squarefrog