How to Make Almond Milk

You can easily make your own almond milk cheaply, at home, to substitute for cow’s milk and boxed soy and rice products. Soy milk and other boxed milks are highly processed. Although a better alternative to cow’s milk they still do not have the health benefits you get from a nice tall glass of homemade almond milk.
Making almond milk is relatively easy and doesn’t require any unusual ingredients. You can use dates, honey or agave nectar for sweetener and still keep it in its living or alive state.
To make almond milk you only need about a cup of raw almonds. Make sure not to buy or use roasted almonds. You soak these overnight in pure water, drain and put in a blender along with 3 cups of pure filtered or spring water and blend for about 2 1/2 minutes. Then pour into a nut milk bag, sprout bag or fine mesh strainer. Squeeze tightly if you are using a bag. Pour into a glass jar, add your sweetener and refrigerate.
Almond milk will keep for up to five days or so. Use it on sliced strawberries and bananas in a bowl, drink as is, add nutmeg for an eggnog flavor etc. Use it wherever you would use other milks.
Of course it can be used on cereal, muesli, granola in a bowl if you still eat those. At the least try to incorporate it into your diet. It’ll vastly help improve your health. This is especially true if you eliminate cow’s milk and other dairy products. Raw food diets are the healthiest diets and help you lose weight naturally.
There are many other copy cat raw food recipes you can make with living foods that will replace the cooked foods in your diet. If you’re a mom with young kids or teenagers, you will be greatly benefiting your kids’ diets with almond milk and other great living food recipes. They will never know the difference and their overall health will benefit. There are many other simple and easy raw food recipes you can fix for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.
The Author:
For more raw food recipes, raw food diets, losing weight with raw foods, curing breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sinus, digestive and sleeping issues, acid reflux, headaches, allergies, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert’s: