Lemongrass Oil – Homemade Skin Care and More!

Learn all about lemongrass oil, its origin, benefits and uses! This essential oil has a fresh, invigorating, scent! It can be used for people and pets! There are warnings to heed when using lemongrass oil!
Lemongrass Oil is extracted from the fresh, or partially dried, leaves of the Cymbopogon citratus, by steam distillation. This perennial aromatic plant grows up to three feet in height and spreads a foot wide. This plant will flourish year round where the temperature stays 45 degrees or above. It goes dormant in the winter months and is not frost hardy. It’s rich in citral, an ingredient in lemon peel, so it has a pungent lemon scent, with insect repellent properties. Lemongrass is found around the world in countries including: India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Lemongrass can be found in raw leaf form, capsules, powders, sprays, liquids and as an essential oil. Lemongrass essential oil is dark yellow to reddish brown in color. It has numerous benefits and is used in various ways.
Benefits of Lemongrass:
- Antibacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Antiseptic
- Astringent
- Antioxidants
- Aromatherapy Benefits
- Detoxifies
- Reduces cholesterol
- Diminishes acne
- Relieves common colds; coughs, runny nose, fever
- Aids in digestion
- Relieves arthritis pain
- Relieves headaches
- Insect repellent
- Combats depression
- Stimulates circulation
- Invigorating
- Soothes dry itchy scalp
- Controls oily scalp conditions
- Controls dry scalp conditions
- Stimulates hair growth
- Contains benefits of vitamin C
Lemongrass Essential Oil Uses:
Aromatherapy, Medicinal, Insect Repellent, Air Freshener, Skin, Hair and Scalp Conditions
CAUTION! Lemongrass is safe to use in moderation, but should be avoided by young children, pregnant women, those with kidney or liver disease, those with glaucoma and those with sensitive skin. Essential oils contain bioactive ingredients. This means they contain natural chemicals that interact with biological systems. They’re potent chemicals and should be used with care! Never use large amounts of essential oils externally, or internally. Never use them straight. They must always be diluted in carrier oil, or soap, lotion, or other buffering agent. Finally, never use them without knowing what their bioactive compounds are known to do.
Lemongrass is widely used as a natural, holistic, approach to health and preventative medicine. It’s not a replacement for prescribed medications. Some would prefer using herbs, like this one, to avoid adverse affects from conventional medicines. Mix lemongrass oil with jojoba oil to create a calming, soothing massage to alleviate muscle aches and pains, such as rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, lower back pain and more. Soak in a tub with a handful of lemongrass leaves for a very relaxing bath.
Lemongrass has been used in Chinese medicine for many years. Use lemongrass in tea to relieve colds, headaches, digestion problems, and more. Use diluted lemongrass oil, externally, to eliminate athletes foot fungus, cuts, scrapes, and more.
Use lemongrass as an insect repellent! The leaves can be crushed and rubbed on the skin as an outdoor insect repellent. Some refer to lemongrass as the citronella plant. It’s helpful for repelling flies, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other biting insects. Spray on your clothes when working outside. It’s not only good for people but it’s good for pets! Place a drop of diluted lemongrass oil around the pet collar, or rub on palms through the pet’s coat, spray outdoor pet pens to repel pesky insects.
Air Freshener
You can find lemongrass essential oil in air fresheners. It purifies and cleans the air. Use lemongrass blends as a potpourri. It blends well with other essential oils: eucalyptus, geranium, juniper, lavender, sweet almond, jojoba and rose.
Skin Care
Lemongrass oil helps get rid of blackheads and provide acne relief. It’s a natural astringent, minimizing pores and firming the skin. Before using on skin, it should be tested for skin sensitivities. Follow all safety precautions mentioned on the package or container. Lemongrass is among one of the most popular soap making herbs. Just a small amount mixed into to your homemade soap recipes will add a, mild, yellowish-green hue with a lemon scent. You can have a homemade acne remedy using lemongrass oil for making homemade soap! This essential oil can be used in homemade lotion too!
Hair and Scalp
Lemongrass oil is used in commercial and homemade shampoo. It adds luster and fullness to hair, combats hair loss and controls oily and dry scalp conditions. It is believed that it strengthens hair follicles, so it’s beneficial for those within thinning hair. Those with dull or flat hair can notice a shinier, healthy sheen. Over shampooing can cause poor scalp conditions. Lemongrass helps maintain a healthful conditioning balance between dry to oily scalps. It’s a great shampoo for oily hair, dry hair, dull hair, flat hair and thinning hair.
The Author:
Learn how to make soap, at: natural-goat-milk-soap.com/how-to-make-soap.html
Good morning and how are you
I have enjoy your articles and I am now about to start making shampoo whenever i make my first batch I’ll let you know
I am a lemongrass farmer turns processor having lots of hydrosol without buyers now I know what to do with it so thanks again
Good morning! I’m glad to hear that you have been enjoying the articles. Starting to make your own shampoo sounds like an exciting venture. Definitely let me know how your first batch turns out! It’s great that you have plenty of lemongrass hydrosol as well. Knowing how to utilize it in homemade skincare is a wonderful way to make use of your abundant supply. Best of luck with your new endeavors!
I’m interested in lemongrass oil room freshner
I’m happy to hear that you’re interested in using lemongrass oil as a room freshener! Lemongrass has such a refreshing and invigorating scent that can help create a pleasant atmosphere in any space. There are various ways you can go about making a lemongrass oil room freshener. One simple option is to mix a few drops of lemongrass oil with water in a spray bottle and mist it around your room. You can also add the oil to diffusers or even make natural potpourri using dried lemongrass leaves. Enjoy the refreshing aroma!