Natural Acne Treatment— Treat Your Acne with Chrysanthemum Tea

Natural Acne Treatment is very important and you can try this with Chrysanthemum tea! Chrysanthemum is an East Asian tea flavor which is the most popular brand in this region. The tea is also used in herbal treatment. The Chrysanthemum is produced from a flower called Chrysanthemum. The Chrysanthemum flower is steeped with hot boiled water in a teapot. The flower should be used in the dried condition to get a better taste. Sugar can be used in the mixture according to the taste of the drinker.
Also wolfberries can be added in the drink to get a different taste. The combination drink will look transparent. The color of should be between pale and bright yellow. The drink will produce a floral aroma.
There is a Chinese tradition about the Chrysanthemum tea is after finishing the drink, more boiled water is added in the left over flower of the pot, which can be a natural acne treatment. This will produce more tea but it will be less strong than the original tea. The repetition of adding hot water in existing flower is used several times.
The variation can be detected from the color because the color can be ranged from white to pale or white to bright yellow.
The four major types of Chrysanthemum tea are: Huangshan Gongju, Hangbaiju, Chuju and Boju. The Hangbaiju is produced in Hangzhou. The Chújú and the Bójú are originated in Anhui. The Huángshān Gòngjú and Hángbáijú are more popular for herbal treatment and taste than the rest two. The yellow flower is produced in only few varieties.
The Author:
John Petersons has been contributing to leading magazines for the past 10 years. He’s also an accredited researcher on the subject for leading research institutes in the US.