Beauty Tips and Secrets – page 8

Beauty Tips and Secrets -page 8, submitted by readers like you! Oil Absorbing Sheets, Zits, Natural Tan, Dry Skin, Oily Skin
Oil Absorbing Sheets
by Catherine Y.
I’ve heard that a rose petal can take off oil instead of those expensive oil absorbing sheets and I have to say that it really works for me and some of my friends.
by Guberguts1
I heard if you have a zit, then to dry it out you should put toothpaste on it.
Natural Looking Tan
Spread moist coffee grounds on your face for a natural looking tan, leave on for about 20 minutes then rinse. Tan will last for about 3 days.
Oily/ Acned Skin
by Y. Chen
First make an exfoliator by adding a spoonful of very fine sugar (avoid brown [Sugar in the Raw] sugar) and a few drops of lemon juice into your everyday face wash. Do not add too much sugar or it will be too rough and grainy (if you did so already, dilute with lemon juice). Take half of a bittermelon (looks like of a green and lumpy squash), remove the seeds, and put in juicer/blender to make pulpy. Take the pulp, save the juice, and apply the pulp on to face, (this make be messy if the pulp is too watery and runny), rest for 20 minutes. Remove the pulp with splashes of cold water, pour the juice into hand and massage into skin, splash away with more cold water. The cooling and detoxing property (according to Chinese herbal sciences) of the bittermelon, will cool and soothe the acne that is often associated with oily skin. The result: smooth, calmed, and toned skin!!!
Dry Skin Eliminator!
by Belinda C.
To help get rid of dry flaky skin, I drink up to 8 glasses of water a day, take a multi-vitamin and vitamin E daily and apply Vaseline intensive care lotion to any dry skin areas. I have gone from dry, itchy skin to soft, supple skin in less than two weeks of daily care! I feel great! And look fine. : )
Source: – Ingredients for a Simple Life.