What is The Shelf Life of Handmade Creams

Shelf life of handmade cosmetics is one of the main questions if you finally decided to make your own natural cream. How long can it be stored containing preservatives or without them? Let’s make it clear. In order to prolong the shelf life of creams the following ingredients are added:
- antioxidants (vitamin E, rosemary essence) for protection of oils from rancidity;
- natural preservatives (essential oils, Monarda, propolis, etc.) are used in order to reduce the dose of standard preservatives;
- ordinary preservatives – patented mixtures or official names of manufacturing companies which are meant for protection of your cream from bacteria, mold and germs.
Handmade Cosmetics without Preservatives
If you are making a cosmetic product without any preservatives then it can be stored in fridge for about a week. It is very convenient to make small portions of cream which you use often or if you just want to test it.
Handmade Cosmetics with Natural Preservatives
Natural preservatives are familiar to everyone. Despite the fact that these substances are not considered to be preservatives, they can prolong the shelf life of creams. It happens because they have an antibacterial effect. Essential oils that can also refer to natural preservatives can only slow down the process of proliferation of bacteria. That is why such cosmetics can be stored no longer than one week in the fridge. It may be stored longer but we can’t experiment on our skin to prove this suggestion.
Handmade Cosmetics with Preservatives
There are some nuances as for the shelf life of handmade cosmetics with preservatives. It should be noted that the maximum shelf life of such creams is not more than one year (on condition that you use official preservatives or its mixtures). It can be explained by the fact that such cosmetics contain only natural oils which go rancid very quickly and due to this the shelf life lasts from three months to a year once you have opened the package. That is why natural oils are used in manufactured cosmetics in the minimal amount. Mineral oils are used instead of them because their shelf life is almost unlimited.
How to Identify The Shelf Life of Handmade Cream?
The more stable oils it contains (almond, jojoba, limnantes alba, vegetable triglycerides, etc.) the longer the shelf life is.
Oils which you add into your handmade cream should be fresh. Don’t forget that the shelf life is considered not from the date on the package but from the moment you have opened a vial with oil.
So, creams, gels, fluids should be stored in glass bottles or vials in the fridge for about six months. To get the cream out of the bottle you should use special spatula. Be sure that it is clean. Creams made of oils can be stored just in the bathroom. In some creams, with the high percentage of input of liquid assets, a slight detachment of water part is possible. Don’t worry because you can stir the cream with a spatula and its texture will be restored. All the creams that contain hydrosol should be stored in the fridge. If the refrigerator is modern then everything is fine and you can store your handmade cosmetics there. In case if the refrigerator is an old one you should be careful because old models often have excessive humidity and because of this fact your handmade cosmetics can be spoiled very quickly.
All these tips will help you to make wonderful creams which can be stored for a long time. Just keep them in mind and you will achieve success!
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