Spa in Your Bathroom

Spa in Your Bathroom

The main feature of every SPA-salon is marvelous aroma baths with flowers petals. But why we can’t luxuriate in the own bath with petals and aromatic flowers at home? It will be both pleasant and useful. Today I offer some recipes of various baths. They are very easy to make, but effect will be like in the best spa-salons. You are welcome to choose your favorite one.

Blue Bath (with cornflower)

Pour 50g of cornflower’s petals with 2 liters of cold water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then leave to infuse for 1,5-2 hours. Filter infusion and add to bath with warm water. Take bath for 15-17 minutes. This bath will help you to solve problems with skin. It’s better to make such bath every day for a week.

Pharmaceutical Bath (with camomile)

Cut 1 kg of fresh camomile and pour with 4 liters of cold water. Leave for 10 minutes and then boil for 5 minutes. Then leave for 10 minutes again and filter. Add to the bath with warm water. Duration of such bath is 20 minutes. Bath has disinfectant and antiphlogistic effect (anti-inflammatory), gives skin flexibility, softness and heals small abrasions.

Fragrant Bath (with lavender)

Pour 1 kg of lavender flowers with 9 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then filter and add to bath. Take this bath for 15-20 minutes. Such bath is very useful teenagers. It helps to neutralize various consequence age-related changes and to stimulate circulation of the blood.

Karma Bath (with white carnation)

Put flowers of 7 white carnations in the bath. Being in the bath you should rub yourself with flowers. Stay in the bath for 10 minutes and then take a shower. Gather all petals and throw away. Such bath cleans your aura and takes negative influence of habitat, accumulating in your organism for the whole day.

Sleeping Bath (with violet)

Pour 1 glass of violet flowers with 5 liters of hot water and heat on the water bath for 20 minutes. Filter infusion and add to bath with warm water. Also throw fresh violet petals in the water. Take this bath for 25 minutes. Such bath will help you to fall asleep and to see flower dreams.

Royal Bath (with rose)

The first variant is – boil 3 handfuls of rose-petals with 2 glasses of boiling water and in 5 minutes pour into bath with warm water together with petals. The second variant – knead 250g of rose-petals with the same amount of baking powder. And add to the bath. Take such bath for 20-25 minutes. It relaxes calms and makes skin soft and silky.

Color Bath (with basil)

Basil gives the beautiful color for the bath water. Pour 150 gram of purple basil with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours in the warm place. Then filter and add to bath with warm water. Take a bath for 20-25 minutes, adding hot water before comfort temperature. Use basil for aromatic baths if you can’t fall asleep.

Country Bath (with tansy)

You can use flowers of tansy or take flower baskets. Pour 3 bunches of tansy with 2 liters of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours to infuse. Then filter and add to bath with warm water. Take a bath for 10-12 minutes. Such bath has disinfectant and anesthetic effects. Such bath will help the skin with small boils or acne. It takes away pain and tiredness from overworked legs.

Flower Mixture (with jasmine, lily, lavender and dogrose)

Mix in 1 handful of jasmine, lily, dogrose petals and lavender flowers and pour them with 3 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and then add to bath (don’t filter). Make the comfort temperature of water and take bath for 20 minutes. The effect from such bath I could call as the second birth.

Curative Bath (with calendula and origanum)

Mix 3 table-spoons of calendula petals and 2 table-spoons of origanum flowers. Pour mixture with 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Then filter and add to bath with warm water. Take such bath for 15-20 minutes. It helps to get rid of pustular eruptions on skin.

Meadow Bath (with clover)

Cut flowers of clover and pour 6 table-spoons of them with 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour and then filter. Add infusion to bath with warm water. Take this bath for 10 minutes before night. Your skin will become soft, silky and well-nourished.

The Author:

Carole Parker is the author of some web-blogs in Health category.

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