St. John’s Wort – How to Make Your Own Infused Oil

St. John’s Wort for centuries has be known and used for treating mild and moderate depression, anxiety and nerve damage. St. John’s Wort blooms from June through August. It was traditionally collected on June 24th the day in which is believed John the Baptist was beheaded. This plant grows wild in uncultivated soils, commonly found along roadsides, woods, along hedges, and in meadows. St. John’s Wort will grow 1 to 3 feet high and has a bright yellow five petal flower. These flowers are what we harvest to make St. John’s Wort oil, tinctures, and salves. To view pictures of St. John’s Wort click on my links.
Although St. John’s Wort is most noticed for treating mild and moderate depression, it has many other great uses as well. In oil it is commonly used to treat burns, swelling, pain, achy muscles and sunburn. In a tincture it is used to treat burns, pain, nerve damage, anxiety and depression, and in a salve St. John’s Wort should be applied topically for treating rashes, cuts and any trauma to the skin. We should always be mindful that herbal remedies are not miracle drugs that will give instant healing, but should be viewed as preventative medicine. Using herbs routinely will maintain a healthy body.
If you have ever questioned the price of St. John’s Wort or any infused oil you should know the steps and time involved in preparing every precious ounce.
To make St. John’s Wort oil you need to collect the flowers as they are opening. It is recommended but not essential to allow flowers to air dry for a few hours in a shady area, to allow moisture to evaporate and unwanted creatures a chance to find a new home. Now you will need a wide mouth jar with a lid. Place your freshly harvested St. John’s Wort in jar and pour olive oil 2-3 inches above the herb. Cover the jar tightly and place in a warm sunny location for 4 to 6 weeks. I use my bay window that receives southern exposure, and have to monitor the jars occasionally to make sure it’s not too hot where condensation can develop in the jars. If this happens I will remove jar and open lid to carefully wipe out any condensation, hoping that I can get to it before the condensation drips or runs into the oil.
After 4 to 6 weeks it is time to strain your oil through a fine meshed strainer and rebottle. The oil should be a dark red color, the redder the better. You now can safely apply this oil topically to bruises sprains, swellings, and/or any area with tissue trauma. We use the the oil from our St. John’s Wort as one of the ingredients in our super healing lip balm.
Always remember to check with your physician before using St. John’s Wort especially for severe depression. St. Johns Wort does not mix well with other medications. You should always consult your doctor before trying anything new. Whether it is an herbal remedy, diet supplement, or pain relief, it is always wise practice to consult with your physician. We are all unique and different and will react differently to certain things. Know your body and make safe and wise decisions. As always I do hope that you make that pure and simple choice.
The Author:
My name is Rob Palulis and I live in Upstate NY in a little town called Schuylerville. My family and I have a small soap and herb business that was inspired by wanting to live healthier and much more practical lifestyles. As we grow our farm and soap business we continue to learn more and more each new day, and want to not only offer amazing natural safe products but to share the knowledge we learn along the way as well.