Tips to Plant a Thriving Flower Garden

During the summer months, Canadians finally have a chance to relax and enjoy the sun. There is no better way to embrace the warm weather than planting a beautiful flower garden. Not only will it enhance the curb appeal and aesthetics of your front lawn but planting pollinator friendly gardens can act as a great food source for pollinators like honey bees.
Tip #1: Planning is Everything
There are many things to consider before you start planting. Think about the space, colour, sunlight and fit. It’s important to pick a planting location that achieves the best sunlight for the flowers that you want to plant. Thinking about these factors beforehand will ensure that your flowers have the best possible growing environment to set them up for success.
Tip #2: Bee Friendly
For honey bees, summer means working tirelessly to find food, to sustain themselves and their entire colony before another winter begins.
Worker bees spend their days traveling from flower to flower collecting as much pollen and nectar as they can. But without a plentiful supply of blooming flowers, honey bees might not get the right nutrition and the cold months can be devastating on a hive.
Tip #3: Choose Pollinator Friendly Flowers
Planting pollinator-friendly gardens are a great way to help honey bees find the food they need. Whether you live in a house or apartment building, you can dedicate a small part of your garden, balcony or rooftop to flowers that feed pollinators like honey bees. Consider plants like: lance-leaved coreopsis, sneezeweed, New England asters, dense blazing stars and golden tickseed.
Tip #4: Get The Right Seeds
One of the biggest challenges with planting is choosing the right seeds. Thankfully there are pollinator garden programs like Buzzing Gardens, which provides free pollinator-friendly seeds with an online sign-up at Using a pre-packaged seed kit will make planting your pollinator garden quick and easy.
From planning stages to choosing the right environment for your seeds, these four tips will give you a garden to be proud of and a beautiful place to share with your friends and family.
I love your first tip, as it definitely matches up with my experience. It’s a little embarrassing to come home from the nursery with new flowers, only to realize that you don’t have enough good sunlight for the plants you selected. Planning ahead can save you a lot of grief in that way! Fortunately, I’ve learned from my mistakes, and now I can cultivate a beautiful garden.
I completely agree with you! Planning ahead is such an important step when it comes to planting a thriving flower garden. I too have made the mistake of impulsively buying plants without considering their sunlight needs, and it can be a real disappointment to see them struggle or even die. It’s great that you were able to learn from your mistakes and create a beautiful garden. Remembering to consider sunlight, soil type, and the climate of your area are crucial steps in ensuring that your plants thrive. Thank you for sharing your experience!
Thanks so much for sharing all of this advice on planting the best garden possible! I really like your second tip on being bee friendly. Although a lot of people might consider them a nuisance, bees are a really important part of your plants’ health. That is why I think going the extra mile and choosing only pollinator friendly flowers is such a good idea. Plus, you don’t have to make your whole garden pollinator friendly; you can just dedicate a part of your garden to pollinators, like you said!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! It’s great to see others appreciate the importance of bees in our gardens. By dedicating a portion of our garden to pollinator-friendly flowers, we can not only help support local bee populations but also enjoy the benefits of increased pollination for the rest of our plants. It’s a win-win situation!
I didn’t realize the importance of bees till my sister-in-law got bees for my parents farm. Not only do flowers benefit the bees, but bees benefit the flowers and other plants. They help with the pollination of plants, which is important for crops.
I completely agree with you. Bees are not just beneficial for the production of honey, but they also play a crucial role in the pollination of plants. The pollination process helps in the growth of fruits and vegetables, and helps maintain the biodiversity of plants. It’s important that we take care of our bee populations and create an environment that supports their survival. We should encourage more people to start beekeeping and also plant more flowers that attract bees, to enable them to fulfill their crucial task of pollinating our crops.
I never even thought about making a garden that is bee friendly; that’s a great idea! My husband and I are new to gardening since we’ve never owned a yard before, but now we want to make ours really nice and lush! We’ll be sure to get flowers that are both bee and pollinator friendly. Hopefully that will help keep the rest of my flowers healthier as well!
I’m glad to hear that you’re interested in creating a bee-friendly garden! Incorporating bee and pollinator-friendly flowers not only benefits the bees, but can also lead to a more thriving and diverse ecosystem in your yard. Plus, having a lush garden can provide a beautiful and peaceful outdoor space for you to enjoy. Best of luck with your gardening endeavors!
Bee friendly garden. Great idea and work. I really appreciate the insight here in this post and confident it’s going to be helpful to me and many others. Many thanks for all the tips.
I appreciate your feedback about the bee-friendly garden post. It is essential to create a habitat for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators since they play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Providing them with enough food and shelter will contribute to their survival, which is vital for agriculture and the natural environment. Thank you for taking the time to read and learn about the importance of bee-friendly gardens.