Unique Sewing and Craft Secrets: Save Time and Money

To Open that Stuck Zipper: Rub the teeth with a bar of soap or spray with shaving cream.
An Ideal Pin Cushion: Use a bar of soap. Makes sewing easier and needle just slides through hard material.
To Unwrinkle Plastic Materials: Heat ironing board with iron, lay material on board, then smooth with hands.
How to Remove Scorches: Wet scorched area and cover with cornstarch, then brush off when dry.
Lengthen Life of Wooden Clothes Pins: Boil them in a salt solution.
A Neat String Dispenser: Nail a funnel to the wall and pull string out of bottom of funnel.
Tips on Storing Plastic Curtains: Sprinkle talcum powder between the layers as you go.
Basting Made Easy: Just tape then sew around the pieces of tape.
How to Revive Old Clothing: Shave those fluffs off with a safety razor.
Make an Emergency Clothes Brush: Wrap a piece of tape around the hand, sticky side out.
Stop Clothes Catching on Wooden Hangers: Put a coat of clear nail polish over splinters and rough edges.
A Needle Sharpening Pin Cushion: Use steel wool to fill your cushion.
Quick Needle Sharpening Trick: Rub needle against an emery board.
Make a Good Yarn Preserver: Wrap yarn around a moth ball for storage.
Handy Tip for Cutting Fur: Use a razor blade on back of fur when cutting and you will not cut any hair.
Tips on Sewing Slippery Material: Stick a piece of waxed paper in seam, pull away when finished.
Easy Pickup of Needle Spills: Use a small magnet.
Excellent Knitting Tip: Keep ball of yarn in nylon stocking – will flow out free of tangles.
How to Get Rid of Shiny Pants: Make a solution of one part vinegar to four parts water. Soak a cloth in solution, wring out, place over pants and press lightly.
When You Need Heavy Duty Thread: Use dental floss.
Make a Handy Tape Measure Holder: Wind tape around an old adhesive tape spool.
Prevent Nylon from Yellowing: Add baking soda to your wash and rinse water.
Make a Perfect Sock Darner: Pull socks over a light bulb – makes it easier.
Restore Velvet Like New: Brush good, then hang in a steamy bathroom.
How to Get Rid of Knots on Sweaters: Rub lightly with a piece of sandpaper.
How to Remove Lint from Wool: Use a damp sponge and touch lightly.
Caring for Leather: Brush with skim milk every three months.
Repair Scuffed Patent Leather: Cover with same color polish, let dry; then cover with clear nail polish.
Repair Cracking Patent Leather: Before each wearing, rub briskly with your hand, then a soft cloth.
How to Soften Leather Shoes: Sponge with black coffee.
To Protect Your Sewing Bag: Stick the point of your closed scissors into a cork.
Neat Pin and Needle Container: Save those stick deodorant containers. They work great!
Renew those Worn Out Blankets: Sew cloth on both sides and you have a new quilt.
To Ensure the Sections of Material Cut from a Pattern are Accurate: First press the sections before laying them to be cut.
Breath Life into Those Worn Lingerie Items: Machine stitch over small breaks.
Keep Needles Rust Free: Stick them straight into a bar of soap.
Eliminate the Old Hemline in Your Wool Clothes: When lowering, sponge with vinegar, then press.
Save Repair Bills on Your Sewing Machine: Try oiling and delinting first before sending out for costly repairs.
Handy Substitute for Hemline Chalk: A bar of soap works fine.
Prevent Your Thread from Knotting when Basting: Tie a knot in the thread before snipping off.
Remove Stains from Suede: First rub with a emery board, then leave in a steamy shower or apply light steam from your iron.
Remove Grease From Valuable Silks: Rub in baby powder and let stand several days, then brush out. Powder should absorb the grease.
Tip on Ironing Ruffles: Always iron these on the wrong side and from the edge in.
Handy Tip for Ironing Skirt Hems: Always make sure hems are fully dry. Iron from bottom to top, not side to side. Iron with the grain of the fabric.
To Iron Embroidered Items: Lay right side down on a terry cloth and press out.
Don’t Pop Your Button: Cover them with a spoon while ironing.
Ironing Seer Sucker: If you ever have to do so, on the wrong side only.
Fast Easy Way to Remove Lint: Put your garment on the fluff cycle in dryer for a few moments.
Handy Tip for Filling Steam Irons: Your old squeeze bottles work great!
Quickie Iron Tip: Place Reynolds Wrap under the ironing board cover. Heats up faster and cuts your time in half.
Patchwork Tip: Before your sew a patch on any washable garment, be sure to wash the patch once to avoid shrinkage.
Cool Folding Tip: After ironing, be sure to let the garments cool completely before storing.
Photo. Gabriele Lasser