Vegetables Snacks Kids Like to Eat

What would you do if your kids asked for “More veggies, please?” Well, prepare yourself, because they just might when you serve vegetables like this. These snacks are great for after school treats.
Celery and Pretzel Butterfly
- 2 stalks of celery
- 12 large pretzels (not the straight kind)
- 6 tablespoons natural peanut butter
- Around 18 raisins
- 12 slivered almonds
Wash the celery with cold water. Cut the celery stalks crosswise into thirds. Fill each celery stalk with one tablespoon of the peanut butter. Gently push 1 pretzel into the peanut butter, so the pretzel is parallel to the length of the celery stick and looks like a wing. Do the same on the other side of the celery, with another pretzel. Your celery stick now has butterfly wings!
Use the raisins for the eyes, nose and mouth of the butterfly. Create the antennae by pushing the slivered almonds into the filling, on top of the butterfly’s head.
Celery and Carrot Wagons
- 2 stalks of celery
- 12 toothpicks
- 16 carrot slices
- 1/2 cup of peanut butter; cheese spread or ranch dressing
- 20 Raisins
Wash the celery with cold water. Cut celery stalks crosswise into pieces that are about 3 inches long. Push two toothpicks through the sides of each celery stick to create the axles for four wheels. Fill each celery wagon with the peanut butter, or another spread. Stick a round carrot slice onto the end of each toothpick to form a wheel. After the wheel is attached, cover each toothpick tip with a raisin.
You can stick a toothpick into the end of the celery for a wagon handle, and cover the tip with another raisin. You can also leave the handle off to create a celery car instead.
Tomato Army Ants
- 3 small cherry tomatoes for each ant
- 9 toothpicks or grape stems for each ant.
Rinse the cherry tomatoes in cold water. Attach the three tomatoes with two of the toothpicks or grape stems. Use six more to create the ants legs, and two for the antennae. Make as many as you can to create a whole army of ants.
Zucchini or Cucumber Centipede
- Small zucchinis or cucumbers
- Shredded carrots
Rinse the zucchinis or cucumbers. Cut off the ends of each, and attach strips of zucchini or cucumber for the legs. You can use shredded carrots for the antennae.
Here are some other tips to make vegetables more child-friendly
Choose Colorful Veggies – Kids loves colors. When you serve vegetables to your children, try to serve an assortment of colors
Make them Little Finger Friendly – Slice vegetables into small pieces so they will be easier to pick up with small fingers.
Do the Dip – If your child is a reluctant vegetable eater, let them experiment with different dips. Most kids like ranch dip for their vegetables. Some kids will eat anything if it has cheese or peanut butter on it.
Vegetable Art – Instead of arranging vegetables for your kids, let them design their own vegetable creations. Give them an assortment of vegetables, spreads, and toothpicks, and let them create their own work of vegetable art.
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