Wild Strawberries – Interesting Facts About the Virginia Strawberry

Wild Strawberries

During the Middle Ages in Europe the Romans enjoyed the taste of wild strawberries. Wild strawberries were first discovered by the Europeans when they sailed to North America and landed in Virginia in the late 1500’s. They then brought these strawberries that they have found back with them to Europe.Then in mid 1600’s a much larger variety of a strawberry was brought to them from Chile, South America. Together these two varieties were hybridized together and are the parent plants of the modern day strawberry that are planted in most gardens today. All of the cultivated strawberry varieties that are produced today can trace their history back to these two berries from Virginia and Chilean.

The Virginia Strawberry is a native berry to North America. It is one of the species of strawberry that is used to hybridize domesticated strawberry today that are grown in gardens.

During the Middle Ages in Europe the Romans enjoyed the taste of wild strawberries. The Wild Strawberry, also know as the Virginia Strawberry was first discovered by the Europeans when they sailed to North America and landed in Virginia in the late 1500’s. They then brought these strawberries that they have found back with them to Europe.Then in mid 1600’s a much larger variety of a strawberry was brought to them from Chile, South America. Together these two varieties were hybridized together and are the parent plants of the modern day strawberry that are planted in most gardens today.

The Virginia Strawberry is a ground hugging plant and is a perennial. It grows best in full sunlight or partial shade. The soil conditions that this plant likes is variable and will tolerate a mildly acidic soil along with dry conditions.

These wild berries are found to grow in a lot of unusual places that you would never expect then to survive. They grow just about anywhere, like on roadsides, edges of the woods, gravel paths and even in the forest. A lot of times they in areas that receive very little sunlight, but can’t produce fruit due to it.

Propagation of the Virginia Strawberry is best done by the method of division in the spring to early summer months, seed germination is usually poor.

Wildlife, especially butterflies are highly attracted to the Virginia Strawberry.

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is a way of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo

Photo. Avdaro

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