10 Tips on How to Cloth Diaper Your Baby

Seven plus years ago as a newly pregnant mom, I had dreams of a healthy pregnancy, baby, and of saving the planet along the way. NOT in a crazy hard core way, but I wanted to continue my work in being a good steward of the earth, paving the way for other families one idea at a time. Doing this with a new baby can seem daunting, but I took each step calmly and slowly and began with cloth diapering within hours of my daughter’s birth.
Cloth Diaper Supplies to Have on Hand before Birth:
- Two dozen cloth diapers of your choice (prefolds are really my all-time favorite and easiest on time)
- One dozen cloth diaper covers of your choice (I prefer soft merino wool covers with Velcro tabs and a few fleece elastic leg/waist covers for around the house, along with a few Whisper Wraps for being outside the home)
- Two sets of Snappi’s: these are snazzy little gadgets that replace the crazy idea of using pins to hold those prefolds in place. They will become one of your new favorite things.
- Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm
- Cornstarch (to help in keeping dry your baby’s bum)
- Four dozen soft organic cotton or flannel wipes, average 6″x6″ with serged edges: these work great for wiping noses, creases, bums, catching breast milk, getting under baby’s chin and any other quick and gentle clean up you can think of.
- A small bottle of olive oil (a few ounces will do) to apply to baby’s bottom after birth: this will aide in wiping off of the first tarry meconium poop your baby has…believe me on this one.
- A simple and small garbage pail with a lid for tossing in the dirty diapers for laundering.
- A biodegradable and scent free laundry detergent recommended for laundering diapers such as Bio-Kleen products with grapefruit extract: BUT, keep in mind, laundry is laundry and use whatever biodegradable and non- toxic detergent you prefer.
- Do have on hand one package of disposable diapers of your choice and here’s why: someone will give them to you as a shower gift or new baby gift and they may not be the brand of your choice. There are chlorine and chemical free disposable diapers out there: Seventh Generation, GDiapers (these are flushable), and Nature Baby Care are the three I have used and trust. You will want them on hand for last minute outings, to stash a few in the car, etc. Then, you can return the ones purchased for you and use the store credit for other necessities of your choosing.
Ever heard of a cloth diaper delivery service?
Here’s the real truth…a cloth diaper delivery service is where it’s at. I found a great site that will help you find a service in your area: www.realdiaperassociation.org. This, my friends, was a Life Saver. It allowed me to follow my environmental desire to cloth diaper, was better for my babies and was an economic dream compared to a purchase of a lifetime supply of diapers and covers. My husband was excited because we didn’t have to launder them….not even a rinse, just take off the babe and insert into provided pail! We utilized the cloth diaper delivery service for three months with baby #1 and six months with baby #2, and frankly, the only reason I stopped was because 75% of the cloth diapers and covers I needed were borrowed or given to me so I no longer had a cost associated with cloth diapering.
The Author:
Nichi Hirsch Kuechle supports moms during pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond as a lifestyle coach, craniosacral therapist and birth & postpartum doula in Minneapolis. You can get Nichi’s New Parent Tool Kit, for free, by going to: MyHealthyBeginning.com.