3 Types of Plants That Repel Raccoons

Raccoons are wonderful little critters that are simply misunderstood. Yes they can be a nuisance to home and property owners, but that is not their fault; it is simply their nature! It is our own duty to keep raccoons away from our properties, rather than blaming them for trespassing when they do. Preventative maintenance is the best approach for avoiding raccoon problems on your property, but a little strategic initiative doesn’t hurt either!

The traditional preventative maintenance methods include removing all food and water sources outside (i.e. bathhouses, pet bowls, squirrel feeders, etc.), taking the trash out on the morning of garbage pickup day, installing patio/driveway motion sensor lighting or sound machines, and much more. But for spring and summer, you can choose to simply plant some more plants! You see, certain plants repel raccoons because they do not like the taste, feel, or smell of them. Planting these plants can be a fun and effective way to keep raccoons out of your gardens and away from your landscaping. And best of all, it is a project the whole family can get involved in! Continue reading to learn which plants have this effect on raccoons and why!

Bad Tastes

Food is one of the top motivators that attract raccoons to residential and urban areas. If the food they find tastes bad to them or produces an undesirable effect, they will remember and not come back for more. Certain plants and foods are too spicy or taste bad to raccoons, as they have a sensitive palate. Plants that raccoons do not like the taste of includes hot peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and Goji berries.

Bad Smells

Just like taste, smell is important to raccoons. Certain plants and flora give off scents that raccoons are sensitive to or simply do not like. Plants in the mint family, namely peppermint, or even garlic are great natural repellents to consider adding to your garden. These smells are just too strong for raccoons and they do their best to avoid them.

Bad Sensations

Raccoons have very sensitive paws. For this reason, they avoid walking in areas that hurt their feet and handling items that hurt their paws. Prickly plants and foods are some of those areas and items. Raccoons do not like to walk on or touch prickly or thorny plants, like globe thistle, cucumbers, anything in the squash family, rose bushes, and more. Planting these items in your garden or around your home can keep raccoons away.

Raccoons Indoors

If you suspect that there are raccoons inside your home, contact a licensed wildlife control company immediately for prompt and professional raccoon removal services. They can quickly remove raccoons, safely and humanely, at a price you can afford.

The Author:

Sarabeth Kluzinski enjoys writing informative blogs, articles, and reviews. I like to think of my writing as an online resource that helps readers answer important questions and find workable solutions to everyday problems.

Photo. Lolame

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