4 Powerful Herbal Remedies for Sweating

Today, I’ve got some exciting new for you. You’re about to learn 4 little known herbal remedies for sweating that are sure to alleviate the perspiration where all other deodorants and treatments have failed.
When I first found these 4 herbal remedies for sweating and started implementing them, the effects were nearly instantaneous. Within the first hour (one of them within just minutes) the sweating was stifled and I was dry throughout the day.
Fortunately, for you, if you’ve been searching endlessly for a way to stop YOUR excessive sweating, you’ve stumbled upon the Holy Grail. Here, I’ll be teaching you about these easy to use herbal treatments. I’ll show you where to get them, how to use them and then after that…
Well, after that, all you need to do is take action and try them out. Let’s get started and stop your pouring perspiration!
First, let me just give you a quick background about myself…
My excessive sweating plagued me through MOST of my life. It wasn’t until a little over 5 years ago that I really started getting a handle on it. It took some time though.
During the long 20+ year battle with sweating, I was looking for ANY possible solution out there. I mean, granted, due to my lack of knowledge at the time, I wasn’t familiar with half of the alternatives available so most of my efforts were just repeated on treatments that didn’t work the first time around anyway.
In later years, I’d spend hours surfing the net, looking for that ONE rare alternative that had escaped me. I used to just pray that at any moment I’d find it. And then…it happened.
When it came to dealing with my excessive sweating, I always thought traditional medicine was the best way. And by the way, when I say medicine, I’m talking about prescription deodorants like Drysol, Certain Dri, prescription drugs like Robinol or the like.
I was always afraid to try prescriptions though because of the awful side effects (cotton mouth, overheating, irritation, headaches, etc.). Clinical and prescription deodorants did give me some relief but again, they irritated my skin and I was never fond of the idea that I’d need to use them continuously throughout my life.
So one day, I learned about the 4 herbal remedies for sweating that aided in the elimination of my hyperhidrosis and they are listed for you here. You can pick up all of them at most organic markets, drug stores or health food stores.
So, let’s start with the first one, witch hazel…
Witch Hazel
1. Witch Hazel – The bark and leaves of the witch hazel plant are extracted into a powerful astringent which can be applied in liquid form to the skin. If you look closely at the ingredients of many aftershaves and lotions, you may find witch hazel to be one of the components.
Traditionally, the herb was used to treat insect bites and even bruises but over the years it was discovered to eliminate sweating as well.
Witch Hazel will be especially effective for you if have facial sweating. This was where this herb REALLY came in and saved the day for me. Facial sweating, after all, is super hard to hide. It’s out in the open and you can only dab it with a handkerchief so many times before you start to lose your mind.
You also can’t just roll a deodorant onto your face so this is where witch hazel really comes in handy. Using a cotton ball, apply a thin layer of the witch hazel oil to your face and watch its astringent properties go to work. Your skin may initially get a little dry as it dissolves all the oil on your skin but later, as it goes to work, you’ll find that those beads of perspiration you get on your face won’t make their daily visit.
Of course, witch hazel can be applied to more places on your skin than just your face. Personally though, I found this herbal remedy most effective for my facial sweating.
2. Burdock – this herb safely manages excessive sweating by eliminating excessive fluids through other means rather than the sweat pores. It redirects sweating fluids through the lymph nodes, kidneys and bowels instead.
Here’s a little warning about burdock. It’s pretty nasty to have as a tea. Burdock is BITTER. Once sip of burdock tea and you’ll be puckering your lips in a grimace for sure.
So, what do you do? Well, you can take it as a “tincture”. What’s a tincture? It’s a fancy word for an alcoholic extract. Most health food stores sell burdock in this form so it’s easy enough to pick up. Burdock works from the inside out. Take this extract for a few days and you’ll notice the difference for sure.
3. Astragalus – This herb, native to northeast China, has mild diuretic properties and plays a role in balancing your sweat response. Here’s the only problem with it. Depending on your specific sweat problem, it can decrease or even possibly increase your sweating. You’ll need to test it out to see for yourself. Astragalus has a mild, sweet taste, making it a suitable choice for tea. You can also dissolve it in your favorite drink. Its active compounds are the flavonoids that give its roots and flowers their yellow color. Give this a shot and see what you come up with.
Tea Tree Oil
4. Tea Tree Oil – this one is exceptionally effective for foot sweating. Plus, it’s additionally an antifungal so if you’ve got foot fungus, tea tree oil will knock that out as well.
Just apply a thin layer to your hands and feet to mitigate the sweating. The oil has astringent properties which will dry out the skin. Start with just a little bit to determine how much you’ll need.
As with any topical, you’ll want to be on the lookout for irritation and discontinue use if you notice any. Most people find tea tree oil to be the gentlest of the herbal remedies mentioned here.
This is just the beginning. Yes, I want you to try these 4 herbal remedies to end your excessive sweating but I don’t want you to just stop there.
I’ve created a 30 minute long video giving you the top 12 sweat stopping treatments that I’ve stacked together to PERMANENTLY end my own sweating problem and I know if you follow them too, you’ll find the same success.
You can start watching this FREE video now at http://www.Prevent-Sweating.com. It’s called “Sweat FREE Tactics” and it takes you step by step through the exact formula that I used (as well as many other former sweating sufferers), to overcome sweating quickly and effectively. Check it out now and start benefiting in just minutes!
The Author:
Jason Ellis has been helping people overcome their excessive sweating for years. His expertise deals with controlling the symptoms of hyperhidrosis by applying proven, natural treatments for excessive sweating that bring results in days. You can find all of Jason’s natural treatments for excessive sweating exclusively at http://sweatsolver.com/
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