Anti Aging Juice Recipe Tips

Adopt juice into your regular diet and you will find a new vigor in your life. Given below are some of the juice recipes that are very effective in anti aging.
Juice Recipes For Anti Aging
1. Apple Carrot Detox
- 1 Apple
- 1 small slice Ginger
- 1 Carrot
- ½ cup Water (optional)
- Cut the apple and carrot into small cubes.
- Smash the ginger.
- Blend all the ingredients in a food processor. Add water if you wish to lighten the juice.
- Strain and drink.
Benefits: This juice is excellent for healthy skin. It also eliminates toxins from the body and results in glowing skin. Since, it revitalizes the skin it delays the formation of wrinkles.
2. Cholesterol Burner
- 1 Apple
- ½ Cucumber
- 4 stalks Celery
- ½ cup Water (optional)
- Cut the apple, celery and cucumber into small pieces.
- Put in the food processor along with the water (if required) and blend.
- Strain the juice and drink.
Benefits: This juice not only controls the high cholesterol level but it also has excellent fighting properties. It is also good for an upset stomach.
3. Excess Salt Eliminator
- ½ Pineapple
- 2 Apples
- ¼ Watermelon
- Remove the seeds of the watermelon and cut the flesh into small cubes.
- Also chop the apples and pineapple into small pieces.
- Blend in a food processor.
Benefits: Enhances the health of the kidney and bladder. But its most important function is to eliminate the excess salts that tend to accumulate in the body.
4. Sugar Controller
- 1 small Banana
- 1 small Pear
- Peel the pear and the banana.
- Cut both the pear and banana into small pieces and blend.
- Strain and drink.
Benefits: Very effective in controlling the sugar content in the blood. It is also effective against ulcer, constipation, and also alleviates congestion. This juice also improves the mood and for people with high blood pressure it is very good.
5. Antioxidant Juice Ingredients
- 1 Mango
- ½ Carrot
- ½ Pear
- ½ Apple
- Cut all the ingredients and blend in a food processor.
- Strain and drink.
Benefits: Reduces the toxic chemicals from the body. It also cools the body down and decreases the blood pressure.
6. Digestive Juice Ingredients
- 1 cup Black grapes
- ½ Pineapple
- Blend the grapes and pineapple slices in a blender.
- Strain and drink.
Benefits: Due to high content of iron in the juice it acts as a very good digestive agent. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. This juice also boosts the health of the heart. This juice should be drunk after a meal.
Many people suddenly realize that their age and their physical appearance do not tally with each other. They may be in their middle age, just starting to enjoy their hard earned luxury, when they find people bracketing them as senior citizens, and the mirror confirms it! A flash from the past shows a life lived on the edge, of the race to work against time, of stress in work, of torturing the body with junk and substance, and now their appearance tells this story. Yes, aging, which was once a natural progression in life, is striking quicker than usual. Everyone desires to age gracefully not only because aging is inevitable, but because the picture of a life that is diseased, broken in mind and spirit is dreaded by all. Now the question arises is how to slow down this aging process so that you don’t look like someone who is just about to enter the doors of judgment. The answer as always lies in nature. Unless you help your body carry you through life you are not going to achieve success with aging. The best way to do this is to pump your body with nutrients and minerals, not with supplements, but with juice. The health benefits of juice is known to everyone, but perhaps not many people know how effective it is in keeping your body and mind in full bloom.
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