Bathing Magic

In this busy, busy world of ours we often forget the luxury of a nice hot bath. When was the last time you spent at least 30 minutes in the tub? This article is all about the Magic of Bathing and to that end I will offer you recipes to create a little ‘magic’ in your life. What you can do is prepare in advance the recipe that takes your fancy and make yourself a few ‘magic bags’ and store them in an airtight container.
Alternatively you can use any old jam jar and store your magic recipes in bulk and when you come to take your bath throw in a handful of ‘magic’ and let it soak in the warm water. You should always consider bathing at night; maybe even using candles instead of fluorescent or ordinary lighting, for I know you will enjoy the experience. Listed below are a few ‘magical recipes’ the ingredients can be obtained almost anywhere, even in your local supermarket if you care to read what’s in the packets of potpourri!
Beauty Bath:
An equal mixture of lavender, rosemary, spearmint, comfrey and thyme. Whether you make your own little ‘magic bags’ or store in an airtight container all it takes in either one little bag or a small handful thrown into your bath. Once in your bath, lie back and let yourself relax completely.
Aphrodisiac Bath:
An equal mixture of rose petals, rosemary, thyme, myrtle and jasmine. Just before you enter your bath add about 6 drops of musk oil and either bathe before meeting that special someone or ask your lover to join you!
Vitality Bath:
Whenever feeling tired, listless, or plain ‘fed-up’ why not try the following an equal mixture of carnation petals, lavender, rosemary and basil, plus three teaspoons of Epsom salts or bicarbonate of soda.
Healing Bath:
To be used of course, in conjunction with conventional medical attention, however the healing process is ‘stimulated.’ An equal mixture of rosemary, lavender, rose; peppermint and cinnamon. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil just before bathing.
Self-esteem Bath:
Grate the peel of a fresh orange (or two). Add equal parts Lavender, gardenia petals and rose petals. Grate a ginger – root (about the size of your thumb) and then add an equal amount of Dill plus a pinch of Cardamom. When bathing, visualize yourself become stronger in mind and spirit. You should also gently massage as much of your body as you can.
Money Bath
This will come in handy when the bills come in -an equal mixture of cloves, cinnamon and basil. Add a few drops (5) of Patchouli oil. When bathing it is a good idea to do so in subdued lighting (using candles).
Cleansing Bath:
Whenever the weather is getting you down or the pressures of work are becoming too much for you; try this recipe -an equal mixture of marjoram, thyme, pine needles, rosemary and bay leaves. It would be a good idea to make a ‘magic bag’ out of cheesecloth letting it soak in the warm water for a few minutes before getting into the bath so that you don’t prick yourself with the pine needles!
Spiritual Bath:
If you are desirous of increasing your psychic potential or, just wanting to get in touch with your Inner Self this recipe is for you. An equal mixture of lemongrass, thyme, orange peel with a touch of cinnamon and a dash of cloves. Don’t be surprised if, after soaking in this mixture for a few minutes you will want to jump out of the bath shouting: “Eureka” for this recipe will fill your mind with ideas. Just relax and enjoy the thoughts flooding your mind and as soon as possible put your ideas into practice.
Friendship Bath:
If lacking friendships or, if friends are ‘thin on the ground’ this recipe will help sort out your likes and dislikes and will bring people into your life who are on the same `wavelength’ as yourself. An equal mixture of lavender rose petals, jasmine petals, and carnation petals. Add a dash of lemongrass with a pinch of salt. A drop or two of Patchouli oil and you’ll soon be on your way to meeting the right people and mixing in the right company, making friendships you never thought possible.
The Author:
Thomas Muldoon – Numerology and Astrology have been my life and passion for over 30 years. I’ve been published numerous times and still have something new to offer each time I hit the keyboard – who wants to read the same old same old? I believe if you have a philosophy and no one knows about it, it doesn’t mean anything. If you have an idea or insight and tell no one – it’s meaningless.
Photo. Anna Pou