How to Can Your Own Strawberry and Blueberry Jam

During the summer months, I look forward to canning my own homemade strawberry and blueberry jams. People often tell me that they don’t get into canning because they think it’s too hard, however, one of the easiest things to can is homemade jam.
For the following recipes, you will need some jelly or half-pint sized canning jars, seals, rings, and a water bath canner. If you have a jar lifter, silicone spatula and a funnel, they would be useful too, but not necessary.
Easy Strawberry Jam Recipe
- 3 cups fresh strawberries, caps removed
- 3 cups granulated sugar
- 1 envelope of fruit pectin (Sure-Jell)
Fruit Preparation:
Wash and remove the caps from your fresh strawberries, place them in a medium sized saucepan.;
Stir in 1 cup of granulated sugar and bring the mixture to a rapid boil and boil for 4 minutes.
Stir in the second cup of granulated sugar and bring it back to a boil and boil for an additional 3 minutes.
Finally, stir in the remaining 1 cup of granulated sugar and contents of 1 envelope of fruit pectin, bring mixture back to a full boil and boil an additional 3 minutes, stirring constantly.
Remove pan from the burner and let it cool down for 10 minutes, stirring mixture occasionally with a nonstick silicone spatula.
Spoon mixture into hot clean jars and seal.
Process the jars in your water bath canner for 10 minutes.
Easy to Make Blueberry Jam Recipe
- 4 1/2 cup fresh blueberries, crushed
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 7 cups granulated sugar
- 2 envelopes of fruit pectin (Sure-Jell)
Fruit Preparation:
Wash and drain fresh blueberries in a colander and then measure out 6 cups and place them into a bowl. Using a potato masher, mash down the blueberries until you have 4 1/2 cups of crushed fruit.
Place fruit in a large stock pot. Stir in the lemon juice and then add in the granulated sugar, one cup at a time.
Cook mixture over medium-high heat and bring it to a full rolling boil and boil hard for 2 minutes, stirring constantly with a nonstick silicone spatula or spoon.
Turn off the heat and skim off any foam that has developed on the top. Stir in the liquid fruit pectin until mixture is combined.
Spoon mixture into hot clean jars and seal. Process the jars in your water bath canner for 10 minutes.
The Author:
Shelly Hill
Source: Ab