Chest Massage

Weakening lungs, palpitation and heart disorders can also be minimized through a chest massage. Emotional stress may cause contraction of chest muscles and leads to difficulty in breathing and reduced ability. Other than health disorders excessive heat can also cause stress and tension in chest and thoracic area leading to discomfort. A chest massage thus relieves physical and emotional stress and tension in the chest area. Chest massage has also been popularly used by women to develop bust and mammary glands.
A specific chest massage apart from a full body massage can benefit the chest in more ways than one. The chest massage works on the chest muscles to strengthen them, improves blood circulation, and relieves stress and tension in the chest, heart and lungs. Releasing the tension in the ribs and out of the chest helps eliminate tension, calm the chest and brings about a comforting ease while breathing deeply. The deep massage strokes applied to the chest area in a chest massage releases stress and tension and has a calming effect on the body.
How does one benefit from a chest massage?
Here are some benefits a chest massage is known to provide:
• Elimination of stress and tension in chest area.
• Ease in breathing and relief from chest congestion.
• Improved blood circulation and strengthening of chest muscles
• Improved sense of physical and emotional well being
How does one render a chest massage?
As a rule it is necessary to know that chest massage is usually rendered around the Pectoral major muscle and pectoral minor muscle only. It is suggested not to place pressure on the breast tissues. Some common techniques used in chest massage include: cupping, effleurage, percussion and frictions. Here is a step by step guide to self massage and rendering a chest massage to another person.
Self Massage:
• Choose a comfortable location and position. Chest massage can be done either in a seated or while lying down.
• Use either a vegetable or massage oil to lubricate the skin and for effective strokes.
• Take the hand opposite to the one to be massaged, begin by gently applying moderate pressure and circular strokes moving out from the center and working into the underarm area as well as the center of the chest (sternum). The oil can also be spread in the same fashion.
• Move the fingers around in a gentle motion.
• Gently massage by kneading and using lifting and slight compressive movements.
• Use the flat underside of the fingers to gently lift the tissues beginning from the underarm area and move in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, with medium pressure directed toward the center.
• Finish by applying light touch smoothing the tissue away from the center. Breathe deeply.
Rendering Chest Massage I
• Make the person lie down face upwards, with a small pillow under the shoulders.
• Effleurage the arm, with the palm gliding along the chest beneath the collarbone. Gently move towards the breastbone. Gently walk fingertips away from the breastbone to the armpit.
• Make strong returning strokes to the armpit.
• Support the arm and move it gently around the shoulder, gently stretching it away from the body to release tension in the chest muscles.
• After massaging both the sides of the chest, ask the person to breathe deeply to compress the rib cage when exhaling.
• Place hands against the outsides of the chest and gently squeeze releasing only to allow a deeper breath in.
Rendering Chest Massage II
• Use either a vegetable oil or massage oil as a lubricant between the hands and the skin.
• Begin by spreading oil over the upper chest area with broad fingers.
• Use gentle pressure to smooth pectoral minor muscle out. With soft use of the knuckles place pressure on the upper chest and glide the knuckles from the middle of the upper chest to the outer edges several times.
• Repeat the steps on both sides.
• Grab the Pectoral major muscle and gently pull outward, away from the chest wall. Allow the thumbs to move towards the armpit pull the muscle over the thumbs with the fingers.
• One can then use one thumb to hold, or pin-down, the upper Pectoral minor muscle while the other thumb stretches it lengthwise.
• Finish with gentle smoothing strokes with the palms over the upper chest muscles.
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Photo. OlyaLole