Clothes Hangers – Or How to Pamper Your Clothes

Clothes Hangers - Or How to Pamper Your Clothes

Do you think clothes hangers are all the same? Hangers have become an important tool in the closet organizing world.  Just a basic coat hanger sufficiently performs the function of keeping clothes off the floor, if you take the effort to put your clothes on a hanger. However, that move really is step one. I say this from the viewpoint of a parent – mother of three. We worked for a long time to make this first step a habit.

The hangers as designed for today’s wardrobe do much more. Gone are the days of using safety pins to hold skirts and pants on wire hangers. For this purpose, I like the sturdy plastic models that have clips attached that will let the garments hang straight and not wrinkle. The tubular styles are sturdy and functional.

If it is not convenient to let pants hang straight, there are hangers in the standard A-frame style that have a padded horizontal support. Draping cloth over an uncovered wire causes a crease in the fabric that can be challenging to remove.

Padded hangers help preserve the integrity of delicate knits and sheers. I suggest using the styles that have the padding wrapped around the entire frame of the hanger to minimize stress on the fabric. However, even the fuzzy but skinny ones help hold those slinky fabrics on the clothes hanger. If you don’t have plenty of closet space, thinner hangers will maximize storage space.

For jackets and suit coats, the curved hangers provide support that should preserve the slope without creasing the shoulders. The hangers really don’t take up much more space, it is the size of the jackets that requires the extra room. Invest in good, heavy weight hangers to support your jackets.

Are you cramped for storage space? Use multi-tiered hangers for slacks and tops. They hold multiple garments in less space. Especially if hanging lighter weight items, this is a good tool for conserving space. There is a caveat if using these for heavier items – do not overload your clothes rod – or everything may come tumbling onto the floor. Choose the hanger that will provide the needed support for heavier items.

There are still a couple of hanger types we have not discussed. Cedar is a moth deterrent for wool fibers. I experienced the heartache of finding one of my favorite skirts had been sustaining moths that were in my closet one winter. I always include a few cedar hangers where wool is being stored, rather than risking moth damage again

Questions about sizes? For larger garments, use the larger hangers. The arms of the hangers should fit inside the shoulder cap of a jacket. If the fabric hangs off at the shoulder edges because the hanger is too small, then use the larger ones. For children, there are hangers designed just for them.

All of the coat hangers described are usually found in department stores or home suppliers. Many websites offer quality clothes hangers for reasonable prices. I realize coat hangers are not an exciting topic; however, it is a good feeling to have your clothes last for years, while still looking new.

>>How to Create a Minimalist Wardrobe for Your Family

The Author:

Are you having closet issues? Closet organizing can be a weekend project with long lasting benefits. Want some more tips for getting organized? Check out for helpful tips and tools for getting your closets decluttered and organized starting today.

Photo. Winnond

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