Making Your Own Coffee Tin Survival Kit

This article will outline how to make your own survival kit that fits into those 1lb coffee tins. These kits are great for storing in the trunk of your car. Small kits are better in a way, as their convenience increases the odds of you actually bringing them with you when you go out. A kit will all the trimmings is useless to you if you need it, but left it at home because it was too heavy and awkward to carry.
These are the items that will go in your tin. Space is at a premium, so a lot of these items have multiple potential uses (the tin itself can be used to melt snow in). With a little jostling, they should all fit inside the tin nicely.
So without further adieu, the items for your kit are:
1) 20 feet of nylon rope: wrap around the outside of the tin. It can have many uses, such as bundling fire wood and fashioning a shelter.
2) 2 large garbage bags: for removing waste and garbage. Can also be used to fashion a shelter, and be turned into ponchos.
3) A Swiss army knife: gives you a blade and other gadgets. Get a high quality one, as your quality of blade may be of extremely importance someday (anyone seen 127 hours?)
4) A Zippo lighter: more durable than regular lighters, but keep the fluid topped up.
5) A compass: for navigation and finding your way back to safety.
6) A small pencil wrapped in paper: for writing things down- notes, addresses, etc.
7) Dental floss, sewing needles and fish hooks: the floss and needles can be used as a sewing kit, or as a stitching kit for wounds. The floss can pair with the hooks to make fishing lines.
8) A candle wrapped in foil: the candle is your light source. The foil can have many other uses.
9) A whistle: can be used to signal to others or to scare off animals.
10) Money: it’s always a good idea to have some extra cash tucked away, for gas, food, lodging, or anything else that might come up.
11) Wax paper: When all of the items are snugly fir into your coffee tin, stuff in some wax paper to keep them from moving around. It can later double as fire starter.
Store the coffee tin in the trunk of your car, and someday it might come in extremely handy.
Good luck and stay prepared!
The Author:
Rambo Moe – I am an author at I write about survival and preparedness, and for the most part wish I was Batman.
Photo. – Ingredients for a Simple Life