Dry Skin Care for Winter

8 Tips to Keep You Looking Young!
Your skin is the largest organ in your body. We take it for granted most of the time and don’t treat it right. This is never more true than in the winter time. Winter skin is dry skin, no two ways about it. Sometimes it feels like you’re wearing a hairy wool shirt! For those with rosacea, eczema our winter habits don’t help things a bit. We crank up the heat, turn on the electric blanket, curl up in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of coffee… and wonder why our skin is itchy and flaking! No matter where you live, dry winter skin is a concern. Outside humidity falls in the autumn and winter, and we suffer the consequences.
There are several things you can do to protect and heal your skin during the fall and winter months.
1) Moisturize
Although this sounds like a no-brainer, it actually needs to be said. I forget to put on moisturizers all the time and then marvel at how dry my face is. The fine lines seem to grow every winter! One of the kindest things you can do for your skin is to use a good emollient cream or lotion. Go for the lotion if your skin is moderately dry. Pick out one for your face and one for your body. Occasionally, they will be the same lotion. For extremely itchy, flaky skin, you may need a more concentrated cream. Slather it on day and night. Use a cream on your face, too, at night. I have often resorted to Vaseline when all else fails!
2) Minimize Soap / Shower Time:
Unless you are digging in the mud on a daily basis, there is no need to lather up with heavy doses of soap from head to toe. Daily showering sometimes feels like a must in the summer, but cutting back to every other day in the winter is essential for those with dry and itching skin. The commercial bar soaps and liquid soaps today are so very drying. Only soap up where it’s really necessary: underarms, face or neck, feet, groin. Lathering up your skin every day in a hot shower is a recipe for extremely dried out skin. If possible, soak in a tub instead; it is actually more hydrating than a shower. But don’t make a luxurious bubble bath affair out of it, again keep the soap to a minimum. Another tip: switch to cooler water just before you get out of the shower to close your pores and keep the moisture in your skin! It’s called hydrotherapy and works wonders for your hair, too.
3) Moisturize (Again)
Now that you’ve showered or bathed, moisturize your skin again. Use a lighter lotion for daytime if you prefer, and a cream for moisturizing while you sleep.
4) Stay Hydrated:
This is another common sense recommendation. We are what we eat and drink. Drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water daily will lessen the effects of dry skin. Staying moisturized on the OUTSIDE is only half the battle. Staying moisturized on the INSIDE is just as important.
5) Eat The Right Foods:
Once again, we are what we eat; and heart-healthy oils should be included in your diet to aid your body in staying “lubricated” from the inside out.
6) Get a Humidifier:
Using a humidifier in your home can be a must for those with severely dry skin. Those plagued by flakiness will know what I’m talking about here. If you can’t afford a fancy or expensive model humidifier, find a children’s humidifier in the baby department. Sometimes they are priced low enough for those on a tight budget (these days who isn’t?). If you still can’t afford that, set a pot of water on the stove on “low” and keep an eye on it during the day. Add water when you need to and you can even add a few drops of essential oil to the water to make the house smell nice.
7) Wear Sunscreen and Lip Balm:
Grab those gloves and wear layers, shedding them as the day grows warmer. Although we tend to cover up more during the winter, your face and hands will still be exposed to UVA and UVB. Snow and water puddles reflect the suns rays. Use at least an SPF15 or 30 on your skin and lips. Keep a tube of lip balm in your car and in your desk.
8) Get Plenty of Sleep:
Eight hours of sleep at night is a must any time of the year. Night time is when our skin and body as a whole repairs itself. When you are sick, you get plenty of rest, and this is just as true when you are suffering from dry, flaky or itching skin conditions that are exacerbated by the dry winter air.
The Author:
Photo. Tookapic