Dry Skin Treatment

Dry skin is a very delicate skin which if left untreated gives rise to premature wrinkling of the skin. Dry skin is the first sign of Vitamin A deficiency. Therefore if you are suffering from a dry skin you should take vitamin A capsules of 25,000 units per day for 2 weeks and then you should go in for maintenance level of 10,000 to 20,000 units daily. If your diet seems to be sufficient in vitamin A, which means that you are regularly eating carrots, sweat potatoes, and liver, then dry skin may be a result of inadequate unsaturated oils. Try adding 2 tablespoons of oil in your soup, rise or dal.
Dos and Don’ts for Dry Skin
1. If you have dry skins then use a glycerin or a super fat soap on the body.
2. After bathing do not rub your skin, instead pat your skin dry with a soft towel to reduce irritation of the skin. Dry yourself nicely after taking your bath, if water is left to evaporate on the skin it dries up the skin further.
3. Apply moisturizer immediately after drying the skin. It puts a waterproof layer between the skin and the air thereby preventing moisture loss.
4. Never, never use soap on face and neck if you have a dry skin. Instead take 1 tablespoon warm milk and add to it a pinch of turmeric and few drops of oil. Dip a piece of cotton in it and clean the skin. You will be amazed to find that it removes more dirt than any cleanser in the market and at the same time makes the skin soft and smooth.
5. After cleansing the skin pat a thin film of oil over the surface to seal in the moisture.
6. Never use an astringent on a dry skin.
7. Deep cleanse the skin once a week by steaming it, since steam encourages the secretion of natural sebum.
8. Vaseline or petroleum jelly is the best for a dry skin. But before using any greasy preparation on the skin, always use a moisturizer first. At night remove your make up with cleansing milk. After removing the make up wipe with skin tonic and then massage in nourishing cream. After half an hour remove skin tonic and apply moisturizer. If you are using commercial creams change them time to time because the skin needs a change of preparation just as our body needs change of air.
Vinegar makes an ideal skin tonic. The skin has an acid mantle and vinegar being acidic restores this. Always use one part of vinegar to 8 parts of water. This also prevents itchiness during winter and the tight feeling a dry skin has after it has been washed.
Here is a simple but effective skin tonic. Put 3 tablespoons of dried mint leaves in 2 cups water. Boil for 3 minutes. Strain and put in 2 cups vinegar. Apply on your face with cotton wool. The vinegar helps restore the acid mantle of the skin.
Always use a sunscreen whenever going out. This must have the SPF or sun protection factor written on it. The SPF is the protecting power of the sun screen.
The Author:
by Nasrullah Mardani – This article is written by Rankerz SEO Company for their client HairLossTreatmentX for the keyword Hair Loss Treatment.