Emergency Food and Water

Emergency Food and Water

Water and food are the basic essential items that all beings must have access to in order to survive. Having essential food that is safe and has sufficient nutrition along with water that is safe is considered a basic human necessity. But when it is a natural or man made disaster the scenario is completely changed. Our society has witnessed such adverse times when people crave for a single grain of food and a mouthful of water. The only reason these are emergencies is that either we were not prepared with adequate emergency supplies or informed enough about tackling such situations.

Being entirely prepared to face a crisis is next to impossible as they occur without prior notice. Many times those who could have survived did not because adequate emergency supplies were not available.

Emergency food and water are essential to survive. Therefore, water and food storage make an essential part of all emergency preparedness. With the advent of advance technology there are companies that produce emergency food products that can be stored for a longer duration, most for 5 years. There are also many ways of preserving household food like frozen food, dried, and dehydrated food.

Emergency water can be purchased in sturdy plastic containers, which usually have a 5 year shelf life as well, and a purifier can be kept in your disaster kit to ensure emergency drinking water. If a disaster catches you suddenly and you are without clean water you can use sources in your home like water in your hot water tank, ice cubes, and water from house pipes and faucets. In addition, there are alternative sources available outside your home which includes rainwater, streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, and natural springs.

Generally, a 3 day supply of food and water is recommended to keep on hand for every individual in your family or group. Below are some helpful suggestions.

Develop a habit of saving more food as you buy your groceries.

Try to keep at least a supply for several days for you and your family until proper help reaches you.

Some people like to have food for 2-3 months stored and use up the old food and restock with fresh supplies. It’s really an individual choice.

Food items like white rice, beans and wheat can be stored for longer period of time. Mark the food products with specific purchase date. Masking tapes with marker pens can be used for this work.

Again most emergency kits use the 3 day supply rule, but the main thing is to make sure you are completely prepared to face any emergency, in terms of food and water.

The Author:

Eric Holm, Publisher, Manager, and Owner of Emergency and Disaster Supplies We can help you with all your emergency food and water needs. Also, emergency kits, emergency supplies, and first aid kits. Use our free information, resources, printable forms, and blog ideas.

Photo. Congerdesign

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