Guide to Dehydrating Sweet Potatoes: Storage, Rehydration, and Uses

Sweet potatoes are an incredibly nutritious and versatile food that can be used in many recipes. However, they have a relatively short shelf life, which means they need to be stored correctly to last longer. Dehydrating sweet potatoes is an excellent way to extend their shelf life and preserve their nutrients. In this guide, we will teach you how to dehydrate sweet potatoes, store them, rehydrate them, and suggest some delicious uses for them.

Step 1: Preparing The Sweet Potatoes

The first step in dehydrating sweet potatoes is to wash them thoroughly and peel them. Once peeled, slice them into thin rounds or strips using a sharp knife or mandolin. The thinner the slices, the faster they will dehydrate.

Step 2: Blanching The Sweet Potatoes

Blanching is an essential step in the dehydrating process as it helps to stop the enzyme action that causes browning and loss of nutrients. To blanch sweet potatoes, bring a pot of water to boiling point, and add the sweet potato slices. Boil them for 2-3 minutes, then remove them from the boiling water and place them in a bowl of ice water for another 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: Dehydrating The Sweet Potatoes

Once the sweet potato slices have been blanched and cooled, arrange them in a single layer on the dehydrator trays. Set the dehydrator temperature to 135°F (57°C) and let them dehydrate for 6-12 hours, depending on the thickness of the slices. The sweet potato slices should be crispy and brittle when fully dehydrated.

Step 4: Storing The Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

Once the sweet potato slices are completely dehydrated, remove them from the dehydrator and let them cool to room temperature before storing them in an airtight container. Store them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Properly stored dehydrated sweet potatoes can last up to one year.

Step 5: Rehydrating The Sweet Potatoes

To rehydrate sweet potatoes, soak them in warm water for 30 minutes until they have plumped up to their original size. Drain any excess water and use them immediately in your recipe.

Uses for Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

Dehydrated sweet potatoes are perfect for adding to soups, stews, and casseroles. They can also be ground into flour and used as a gluten-free alternative in baked goods. Here are some delicious ways to incorporate dehydrated sweet potatoes into your meals:

1. Sweet Potato Chips: Simply sprinkle dehydrated sweet potato slices with your favorite seasoning and bake them in the oven until crispy.

2. Sweet Potato Noodles: Soak dehydrated sweet potato slices in warm water until plump, then use a spiralizer to create sweet potato noodles.

3. Sweet Potato Puree: Blend rehydrated sweet potato slices with a little liquid (such as stock or milk) to create a thick puree. This is a great side dish for any meal.

Dehydrating sweet potatoes is a fantastic way to preserve them for long-term storage and retain their valuable nutrients. By following these easy steps, you’ll be able to dehydrate, store, and rehydrate sweet potatoes like a pro. And with so many delicious ways to use them, you’ll never run out of ideas for incorporating this superfood into your meals.

The Author: – Ingredients for a Simple LIfe.

Photo. Stock Snap

>>Heavenly Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

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