Healing Power of Lavender

Lavender oil has been popular since ancient times. It was the sacred scent of the Celtic month of the Willow Moon (April 25 to May 13). Picking lavender during the full moon was said to enhance its magical powers. The Romans burned lavender over hot coals to surround a new mother and child with the scent of compassion. The ancient Greeks dedicated the beautiful flower to Hecate, their goddess of witches, sorcerers and enchantment. Sprigs of lavender were worn by medieval monks to banish evil spirits.
However today, it is revered for having a wide variety of uses, and Nature’s Sunshine procures the finest oil of the right species to bring you a host of benefits far more pleasing than inferior substitutes commonly sold today. Not only does it encourage balance for the entire nervous system, it has been used for nerves, migraines, headaches, tension,emotional stress, sore muscles or tense muscles and has the power to penetrate the body quickly. Other uses include benefits for the skin, immune and circulatory systems. French psychiatrists found that lavender-laden air can reduce agitation among certain psychiatric patients.
Lavender can be used as a powerful antiseptic because it contains more than 200 compounds that are active against fungi, viruses and other microbes. Many of the purported medicinal uses for lavender have, upon modern scientific testing, proven to be legitimate. Lavender oil was used extensively on the battlefield during both World Wars when medical supplies became scarce to prevent infection and help reduce pain.
Ease Period Pain
The relaxing, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of lavender make it ideal for easing both physical and mental menstrual woes.
- to relieve period pain, gently massage the lower back and tummy with diluted lavender oil – this will also balance your spirits
- to avoid the emotional symptoms of PMS, combine 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of roman chamomile and 30mi carrier oil and dab on your pulse points in the days leading up to your period. The calming, soothing smell of this combination should help to regulate your hormonal system.
- the esters in lavender oil reduce muscle spasm, thereby easing period cramps
Improve Your Skin and Hair

A great natural skin tonic, lavender helps to balance oil production and prevents scarring. You can use it to:
- prevent dandruff, add a few drops to the water of your final hair rinse or, sprinkle some onto your hairbrush
- treat minor cuts, bites, strains and bruises by adding a few drops of oil to a bowl of water, soaking a cloth and pressing it over the affected area
- treat spots and pimples by dabbing them morning & night with oil
- make an after-shampoo rinse for dull & oily hair with a jug of mineral water, a few drops of oil and the juice of a lemon – leave to infuse for 30 minutes before using
- use a soft, warm cloth compress on damaged or broken skin to ease swelling and pain as well as promote skin regrowth
A Natural Relaxant – Lavender is the perfect natural remedy for calming your nerves and easing you into a sound sleep.
- prepare for a night of blissful sleep by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil into a deep, warm bath
- dab pulse points such as your temples and wrists with oil to relieve stress or anxiety
- to relieve headaches, massage a few drops of undiluted lavender essential oil into your temples
- drop lavender oil on your sheets or place a small bag of dried lavender flowers under the pillow to help you drift off to sleep
The Active Ingredients of Lavender – The combination of compounds that make up this flower contribute to its legendary healing powers.
- Alcohol ~ the oil contains up to 50% of the alcohol linalol which helps to kill bacteria & viruses. It also helps to heal burns, wounds and sores.
- Ketones ~ compounds that help relieve pain, build new skin tissue and reduce inflammation. They also have a sleep-inducing effect. Ketones, however, can be toxic, so lavender that contains more than 35% of ketone should be avoided. Diabetics, epileptics and pregnant women should avoid them completely.
- Esters ~ compounds that ease swelling and soreness, prevent muscle spasms, fight fungai infections and prevent scarring. They also help to regulate your moods, preventing you from experiencing depression and hysteria.
So, as you can see, lavender can treat troubles of the heart, body and mind.
The Author:
Cynthia Helwig – Writing is my passion and I love when my visitors respond with a giggle or a wisp of a smile. I try to keep my articles witty, light, entertaining and informative on every topic of interest to women (beauty, health, fashion, recipes, parenting, romance, lifestyle etc.)
I am also a published romance author and write under the pen name of Cynthia Roberts and the genres I love to cover are historical, contemporary, and thrilling suspense.