5 Things to Grow for Your Herbal First Aid Kit

There are a number of herbs, roots and trees that are very useful for various ailments. Having your own supply of certain medicinal herbs can heal you, and even save your life.
Cayenne Pepper
The first herb I will discuss is cayenne pepper. Did you know that cayenne is easy to grow, and can be made into a tincture? Tinctures can preserve the herb and extend the shelf life and potency for several years. If you made tinctures of your home grown cayenne you would be able to have a handy source to store in your herbal first aid kit. Cayenne is one of the most important and versatile herbs. It is good for the circulatory system, digestion, and helps clot wounds, and can stop bleeding internally and externally. It can even stop a heart attack in progress. The famous herbal doctors of the early 1900’s used cayenne to treat heart patients, and even treat a heart attack.The heart needs nourishment and cayenne provides these nutrients for the heart.
The recommended dose for someone having a heart attack is to take one tsp. of powdered cayenne and mix it into a cup of hot water and drink this mixture every 15 minutes until the attack subsides, and medical treatment becomes available.The tincture can also be used in hot water the same way. It would be wise to carry cayenne capsules or tincture where ever you go in case someone has a heart attack. Always be prepared.
Comfrey is a cell proliferator and speeds healing. It is easy to grow, just plant in a well-watered spot in the sun. Soon you will see the large fuzzy leaves start to come up. You can pick the leaves directly and wrap on a sprain, cut or wound. I like to make tinctures out of the root, which I then make into oils and lotions. Comfrey root is very useful when made into a cream by mixing and warming, olive oil, and coconut oil together, then adding some of the tincture. Keep mixing because it likes to separate. Only warm to the melting point. Cool then store in small glass jar. It can then be applied to rashes, bites, and any kind of skin irritation. It heals skin better than anything I have seen including prescription crèmes. It would be well suited for burns also.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is that wonderful cactus looking plant that can be grown in your garden or a pot on your porch. It is perfect to have on hand for burns, sunburn, bruises, bug bites, and anything that burns or irritates the skin. Just cut off one of the long fleshy leaves, wash it, cut it right down the center and scoop out the gel and put it directly on the irritated skin. Aloe can be applied anywhere on the body. It is very soothing for delicate tissues.
Ginger Root
Ginger root is one of my favorite healing roots. You can get big plump organic ginger root from Hawaii at a good health food store. Take the root and break it into pieces and plant the sections that look like they have one or two bumpy nodes on them. It will then shoot up green leaves and the roots will grow into bigger clumps. This will ensure you will have your own continual supply of ginger. Ginger is good for stomach issues. If you suffer from nausea, gas, or bloating, ginger tea is a soothing remedy that works pretty quickly. Take a piece of root about the size of half of your thumb and cut off the tough skin. Then cut it up into pieces and simmer it in water for about 15 minutes. Strain the tea into a cup and add honey or stevia, and drink it down……your stomach woes will improve in a very short time. It can also be simmered in orange juice for a cold remedy. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory root. It is good for combating any kind of inflammatory disorder, which means it is good for your heart, arteries, arthritis, etc. This is a very important item to have as part of your survival remedies.
Garlic is one of the most valuable and versatile foods on the planet. Garlic belongs to the Allium family of vegetables which also includes onions, chives, shallots and leeks. Garlic is a widely recognized health enhancing supplement. Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation. One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity.
Those five things would be a great starter to an herbal first aid kit for your family.
The Author:
I am a survivalist, who lives in Denver Colorado. I am dedicated to educating people about current events in the world concerning upcoming food crisis that will put the average citizen in danger. I believe in being prepared for natural or man-made disasters by stocking storage food an heirloom seeds as a way to feed my family if the system collapses and grocery stores close. Along with a lifestyle that will lead to living off the grid, I want to educate people about how to not be dependent on government to survive.