Category: Home and Garden

Embrace The Art of Home

Save on Groceries Before You Leave Home

One of the easiest ways to save money on your grocery bill starts before you even leave the house. It’s no extra work, you don’t have to deprive yourself of anything and you don’t have to clip any coupons. What is it? Stop wasting food. On average most families throw out 50% of the food they buy.


Debt Free Living – Dealing with a Tight Budget

As a single mother of two, I started my own home business without any capital and paid off $35,000 debt in 5 years on $1,000 a month income. I am often asked what are the top lessons I would give a family or even a single person who is dealing with a tight budget.


Simplify Your Budget

There is one way and one way only to get out of debt and that is to spend a lot less than you make. The more desperate your situation, the more drastically you have to reduce your spending.


Setting Up a Budget

There are two essential things that you need to know when preparing a budget: what comes in and what goes out. Now that’s an oversimplification, of course, but that’s all a budget is-income and expenses.