How to Make Homemade Raw Butter and Whipped Cream

Nothing tastes as good as fresh homemade butter on your garden veggies or just made whipped cream to dollop on your home grown strawberries. You can make your own butter from raw cream from your cow or a share in a cow from a local homesteader. You can also use cream from the store if raw cream is not available, just remember, it doesn’t have the same health benefits as raw cream. It can be a good place to start learning if you’ve never made your own butter before. Making your own ensures you avoid preservatives and additives that cause many health problems.
How to Make Homemade Whipping Cream
Pour the raw cream (any amount) into your Kitchen-aid mixer, blender or food processor. Add a few teaspoons of raw honey or cane sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla. Blend on high for about 2-3 minutes and stop when the cream has developed stiff peaks. If you go past this phase, you are on your way to butter, so don’t over mix.
How to Make Homemade Butter
You do not need salt to make butter, but if you like flavored butter you can add sea salt or kosher salt to taste. You can also add minced garlic, 1-2 cloves, for garlic butter. Add this in at the beginning.
Pour cream (heavy, double or whipping cream) (any amount) into the mixer or blender and blend on high for about 5-10 minutes. The process will go through 3 phases: first the whipping cream phase, then the crumble stage where it resembles feta cheese, and then you will see the liquid splash out of the ball of butter. At this stage, turn off the mixer and remove the butter into a dish. Pour the liquid into a separate jar to use as buttermilk in your favorite recipes.
Take the butter into your hands and squeeze and knead like you would clay or play dough to remove more liquid. Shape as desired into a ball or use pretty butter molds.
Store your homemade butter in a jar or a butter bell on your counter where it will stay soft and ready to use. If you keep it in the refrigerator, it will harden and you will have to set it out several hours before use. Butter will keep in the refrigerator for 6 months and the freezer for up to a year.
Fresh homemade raw butter is healthy and delicious to spread on steamed vegetables and homemade breads. When you make your own butter and whipped cream, you know they are made with wholesome ingredients and can avoid dangerous additives and preservatives.
The Author:
Shanna Ohmes has studied herbs, nutrition, healthy eating, and naturalist studies through courses and self-study for 10 years. She has applied her knowledge with her family, friends, pets and livestock.
©2011 Shanna Ohmes
So excited to try this!!!