How to Naturally Control the Common Stinkbug Infestation

How to Naturally Control the Common Stinkbug Infestation

The Common Stinkbug, also known as the Brown Marmorated Stinkbug, is a notorious pest that presents a significant threat to agriculture and homeowners across the globe. These insects primarily invade homes and structures during autumn and winter seasons in search of warmth and shelter from the cold. In this article, we will delve into the history, habitat, diet, and the natural remedies to control the stinkbug infestation.


The Common Stinkbug primarily originates from East Asia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. It is believed that these insects were introduced in the United States through the shipping containers that traveled from Asia. The first sighting of the stinkbug was in 1998 in Pennsylvania, but it quickly spread across the entire country, and now it is one of the most invasive pests in the US.

What Time of Year Do They Come Out?

Stinkbugs are often active during late summers and early falls. During this time, they migrate from the fields and orchards to find shelter and warmth in homes and buildings. They remain active throughout the winter period, searching for food, water, and mating opportunities.

What Do They Eat?

Stinkbugs thrive on a plant-based diet. They feed on different types of crops, including fruit trees, vegetables, ornamental trees, and weeds. They use piercing mouthparts to suck fluids from the plants, causing extensive damage to crops.

How to Control Them with Natural Remedies

Stinkbug infestation is not only devastating to crops but is also a nuisance to homeowners. The following are natural remedies to help control stinkbugs:

  1. Use garlic spray: Garlic is a natural insect repellent, and it works effectively to repel stinkbugs. Mix one part of garlic with five parts of water and let it sit for 24 hours. Afterward, sieve the garlic and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the solution on stinkbug-prone areas.
  2. Vacuum the bugs: The best way to get rid of the stinkbugs inside the house is by using a vacuum cleaner by sucking them directly into the vacuum bag. Remember to dispose of the bag immediately and thoroughly clean the vacuum cleaner afterward.
  3. Plant herbs: Herbs such as mint, lavender, and basil repel stinkbugs. Therefore, you can plant them in your garden to deter the stinkbugs from damaging your crops.
  4. Install bug traps: You can use sticky traps that have pheromones to attract stinkbugs. Place them in different parts of the house and check regularly.

The Common Stinkbug is a notorious pest that causes significant damage to crops, as well as being a nuisance to homeowners. Through natural and environment-friendly remedies such as the ones listed above, stinkbug infestation can be effectively controlled. Therefore, homeowners and farmers are encouraged to try these natural remedies before resorting to harmful pesticides that negatively affect the environment.

The Author: – Ingredients for a Simple Life.

Photo. Emphyrio

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