Organic Eye Cream – Easy to Make Home Recipes

People nowadays are conscious about creating everything from natural based ingredients, and organic eye cream is one of those. Organic would mean bio-degradable and not harmful to the environment. When it comes to eye creams, it could mean safe and little or no adverse effects because it is made from natural elements.
With it being natural and all, the first thing that should come to mind is antioxidants. It is through this vital substance that will rid you of free radicals, fight bacteria, and repair the damage caused by the harmful UV rays. In addition, the antioxidants found in the eye cream can protect your skin from premature aging.
Purchasing an organic eye cream is one thing but making one out of the ingredients that can be found at home is another. Things that are found in your own kitchen can help you delay the process of aging. You do not need the clinical tests to prove its safety and effectiveness. These ingredients that you have in your food storage can definitely give you the same result like those creams for your eyes that you buy in the beauty shops.
The First Recipe
The Apple and Potato are common fruit and veggie that you buy in the supermarket, which can be made into a natural soothing eye cream. So, you will need the following:
- 3-4 tbsp of unsweetened applesauce
- 1 medium sized grated potato
- small plastic bowl
- a spoon
- a damp cloth.
The Procedure:
Mix the applesauce and the grated potato in the bowl and let it chill for five minutes. After the 5 minutes is up, you can start applying the mixture on the areas around the eyes making sure not to apply it directly on the eyelids. Once applied cover the applied area with the cool damp cloth and lie down for about 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. You can apply it 3-5 times a week. Why these ingredients? Apple contains alpha-hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin and enhances cell regeneration which reduces fine lines and wrinkles. The potato on the other hand contains not only Vitamin-C and B-complex, but also zinc, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. The potato is said to prevent eyebag, remove skin blemishes, and treat pimples.
The Second Recipe
This second recipe is made from tomato puree and other vegetable extracts. This natural skin care homemade product is popularly called Vegetable Medley Eye Cream. Here are the ingredients:
- ½ cup tomato puree
- 1/8 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice or lime juice
- 1 Tbsp wheat flour.
The Procedure
Mix all the ingredients except for the wheat flour. Stir constantly while pouring in a little bit of wheat flour at a time until it becomes thick. Apply around the eyes carefully so as not to touch the eye. Do not apply directly onto eyelids. Let it stay for ten minutes while lying down then wash off carefully making sure not to pull the skin. What will you get from these ingredients? The tomato is known for its anti-aging effect. This is because the tomato contains the antioxidant called lycopene. The turmeric powder supports a smooth blood flow around your eyes, thus it prevents leakage in your capillaries that is the common cause of eyebag. The lemon or lime juice can help you have a smoother skin due to its AHA content.
These two recipes can be your arsenal in fighting against skin eye problems. You will no longer have troubles of finding the most effective and safe skin care product because you can certainly make your own organic eye cream at the comfort of your own home.
The Author:
Photo. Graur Codrin