Here’s how to make your own all-natural homemade lavender shampoo, along with some interesting lavender facts about hair.
Discover expert gardening tips for a beautiful and bountiful garden. From planting to pruning, we’ve got you covered.
In the early days of America, pioneers had to rely on their own resources to survive. Growing a garden was a crucial component of sustaining life, providing fresh produce for the family and preserving food for the winter months.
Food is a necessity, but it can be a big expense for families. Fortunately, there are several food hacks to help you save money on your grocery bill without sacrificing nutrition or taste. Here are some easy tips for you to try.
Lavender has many potential benefits as a herbal remedy, including calming effects, pain relief, and skin healing properties.
Having fresh herbs available right outside your doorstep is very convenient and can add a new dimension to your cooking. Here are some steps to help you create your own herb garden.
For those who love outdoor activities, understanding how to use and interpret a compass could potentially be a lifesaver in a crisis.
If you notice that the “best before” date on the package has passed, does that mean you need to toss it in the garbage? No, not necessarily.
If you use floating row covers, you can transplant pumpkins to your garden a couple weeks before the last anticipated frost. Growing organic pumpkins is simple… learn how in this post.
If you keep up a regular schedule of organizing your pantry, the major job you just completed won’t have to be done again for months.
“If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the
You have worked hard to collect books; it has taken time and a certain amount of money to build up your collection. You now have a wonderful collection of books, but they are in disarray and difficult to find. The answer lies in organization.
Learn how to create a natural, chemical-free moisturizer from Aloe Vera that hydrates and soothes your skin.
Here are green cleaning ideas and a supplies list that will make your home, your health and Mother Nature happy.
Honey is a tried-and-true remedy for treating coughs and sore throats in both children and adults.