Planting Bulbs for Springtime Flowers

Its time to start planning ahead for a dazzling showcase of spring flowers. Plant an assortment of Spring blooming bulbs before the first frost such as Lily of the Valley, Daffodils, Tulips, Crocuses, Bearded Irises, and my favorite flower the Hyacinth.
Planting Bulbs
To Plant:
Dig a hole about 6-8 inches deep and twice as wide as the bulb. Mix some compost and some bone meal into the soil, generally plant 2-3 inches apart. Place bulb in the hole with the tip of bulb up. Fill in the hole with soil, firm soil down. Water well. In cold climates add a layer of mulch about 2 inches.
Success Tips

Culture: Flowers in spring, requires full sun or partial shade. Well drained soil. Sprinkle bone meal over bulbs. If you plant bulbs 2 inches deeper than recommended, you will have daffodils grow back every year.
Poisonous. All parts, especially the bulb. Symptoms of poisoning; abdominal pains, diarrhea, & vomiting.
Lily of the Valley
Culture: Flowers mid-spring, requires full sun to partial shade. Well drained moist soil. It is a ground cover, so allow room for it to spread.
To propagate: Divide plants and replant.
Poisonous. All parts. Symptoms of poisoning upset stomach, irregular heartbeat.
Culture: Flowers late winter – early spring, requires full sun or partial shade. Well drained soil.
Culture: Flowers early spring, requires sun or light shade. Well drained soil. In early summer, dig up bulbs dry and store in a cool dark place until fall.
To propagate: Pull small bulblets from the base of the bulb then replant.
Poisonous. Bulb.
Bearded Irises
Culture: Flowers early – late spring, requires full sun & well drained soil.
To propagate: Every few years cut the rhizome into several pieces with each section having a few leaves and roots. Replant pieces.
Culture: Flowers early spring, requires partial sun – partial shade.
Poisonous. Bulb.
A sure sign that spring is just around the corner is when colorful blooms of crocuses gently peek through the white snow.
The Author:
Photo. Suzy Hazelwood, Tiia Pakk
I must say that most flowering bulbs prefer full sun, but that can be almost anywhere in the spring, before the trees leaf out. So don’t overlook a spot that seems perfect.
You’re absolutely right! Many flowering bulbs thrive in full sun and it’s important to take advantage of those sunny spots in the spring before the trees leaf out. Even if a spot may not seem ideal initially, it can still turn out to be the perfect location for planting bulbs and enjoying beautiful springtime flowers. It’s always worth giving it a try and see how nature surprises us. Happy gardening!